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Research area EvaluationThe efms conducts evaluations of social programmes in the field of integration of migrants on a regular basis. Evaluations concepts and their implementation differ in accordance with the respective research interests of the evaluation clients, the concrete design and the stage of development of the programmes under study. By the means of applying varying methods of social empirical research, evaluations allow for systematic assessments of the concepts, individual components, implementation and effectiveness of social intervention programmes. Evaluations at the efms are primarily conducted on behalf of foundations and public institutions. The efms is an institutional member of the DeGEval - Gesellschaft für Evaluation (Evaluation Society). Set up in 1997, the DeGEval is an association of persons and institutions working in the field of evaluation. The DeGEVal aims at fostering professionalism of evaluators as well as the consolidation of different perspectives, experience and expectations regarding evaluation by promoting dialogue and information exchange between evaluators. As an institutional member of the DeGEval, the efms follows the DeGEval- Standards for Evaluation. Detailed information on the DeGEval can be found on this page: Ongoing evaluationsCompleted evaluationsAnti-prejudice training in NurembergThe city of Nuremberg has decided to develop a strategy against prejudice and wants to train so called ambassadors of tolerance. These would intervene in every day life situations against prejudice and discrimination. The city developed a training concept for the qualification of ambassadors of tolerance and tested the concept twice. The efms has been asked to evaluate the training and uses quantitative and qualitative methods to analyse the realisation and effects of the concept. Funding: City of Nuremberg Muslimische Gemeinden als kommunale Akteure
The Goethe Institute commissioned the efms with the evaluation of the project "Muslim communities as local actors" which aims for an active inclusion of mosques and religious communities into their societal contexts. Next to German language training, the project offers workshops discussing communal topics, which the participants can actively shape, at five project sites. Commissioned by: Goethe-InstituteCompletion: December 2015 Researcher: Susanne Bartig
The city of Nuremberg has decided to develop a strategy against prejudice and wants to train so called ambassadors of tolerance. These would intervene in every day life situations against prejudice and discrimination. The city developed a training concept for the qualification of ambassadors of tolerance and tested the concept twice. The efms has been asked to evaluate the training and uses quantitative and qualitative methods to analyse the realisation and effects of the concept. Funding: City of Nuremberg The Diesterweg-Schulwerkstatt (Diesterweg-School Work Shop) - information and support for teachers for including families in the process of school education - supplements and extends the Diesterweg-Stipendium (Diesterweg-Scholarship) - an educational family scholarship for children and their parents. The efms evaluates the project. Commissioned by: Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am MainCompletion: October 2014 Researcher: Claudia Köhler Scientific monitoring of the programme "Model Regions of Integration" of the Hessian Ministry of Justice, for Integration and Europe The efms was commissioned by the Hessian Ministry of Justice, for Integration and Europe to carry out the scientific monitoring and evaluation of the programme "Model Regions of Integration". In doing this, the efms will support the model regions in conducting structural changes of their integration work and integration policy, and will evaluate individual projects as well as the general programme. Funding: Hessian Ministry of Justice, for Integration and EuropeProject duration: July 2010 - December 2013 Researcher: Stefanie Reiter, Susanne Bartig Publications: Reiter, Stefanie; Pohl, Franziska: Landesprogramm Modellregionen Integration. Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung und Handlungsempfehlungen. Compiled in cooperation with HMdJIE (ed.). Wiesbaden 2013 Pohl, Franziska; Reiter, Stefanie: Evaluation und wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Programms "Modellregionen Integration". In: Hessisches Ministerium der Justiz, für Integration und Europa (ed.): Vielfalt ist Hessens Zukunft - Halbzeitbilanz der Modellregionen Integration. Wiesbaden 2012, pp. 40-43 , Bamberg 2012 Neighbourhood Management in St. Leonhard/Schweinau and Langwasser The efms is continuing the evaluation of the Nuremberg social programme after its pilot phase. The programme is conceptualised as neighbourhood management programme focusing on early childhood education and family learning. The main target group are children from disadvantaged families, mainly with a migration background. Commissioned by: City of NurembergCompletion: December 2013 Researcher: Claudia Köhler Intercultural Opening of local authorities in Nuremberg In cooperation with the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (workers welfare association) the city of Nuremberg initiated concrete measures to accelerate the process of intercultural opening within the labour office, the social welfare office and the youth welfare office in Nuremberg. The efms evaluation analysed the current usability of the authorities' services for migrants. Commissioned by: AWO district association NurembergCompletion: June 2011 Researcher: Claudia Köhler frühstart II - Deutsch und interkulturelle Erziehung im Kindergarten (German language and intercultural education in the kindergarten) The efms was evaluating the project in its new form and implementation in the now 24 participating day-care centers and cities. Commissioned by: Hertie FoundationCompletion: December 2010 Researcher: Stefanie Reiter Diesterweg-Stipendium On behalf of the Foundation Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main the efms was evaluating the scholarship project "Diesterweg-Stipendium". The project supports migrant children in the transfer from elementary school to intermediate or higher secondary school. Commissioned by: Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am MainCompletion: September 2010 Researcher: Claudia Köhler Publications: Köhler, Claudia: Effektive Förderung von Kindern. Die Evaluationsergebnisse der ersten Generation "Diesterweg-Stipendium". In: POLYTECHNIK 02/10 . Ed. von der Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main. December 2010, p. 8 Projects aiming to promote the active participation of residents with and without a migration background in the neighbourhood The efms evaluated two neighbourhood projects in Nuremberg and Erlangen, which are both funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). Applying different approaches, both local projects seek to enhance the active participation of native and migrant residents in the neighbourhood. The twelve month lasting evaluation will provide insights into basic principles of success for neighbourhood-based participation projects. Commissioned by: Zentrum Aktiver Bürger (ZAK), GEWOBAU ErlangenCompletion: August 2010 Researcher: Mario Peucker Publication: Peucker, Mario: Aktive Beteiligung und Teilhabe von Menschen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund . Evaluation zweier stadtteilbezogener Partizipationsprojekte in Nürnberg-Langwasser und Erlangen-Anger, Bamberg 2010 Horizonte - Das Lehramtsstipendium für Migranten The efms conducted an interim evaluation of the scholarship scheme "Horizonte" for migrants in teacher-training, a project of the Hertie Foundation. Commissioned by: Hertie FoundationCompletion: November 2009 Researcher: Claudia Lechner, Stefanie Reiter KommMIT On behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry of Education
(Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus), the efms conducted a feasibility study for the evaluation and scientific steering of the pilot project KommMIT (Communication, Migration, Integration, Participation). The three-year lasting project is being conducted in 30 schools in Bavaria. The project is part of the action plan "Integration through Education", initiated by the Bavarian State Government. Completion: August 2009 Researcher: Stefanie Reiter START The efms evaluated the scholarship scheme "START", which is funded by the START foundation, a project of the Hertie Foundation.
Commissioned by: START-Stiftung gGmbH / Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung In 2006 the efms took on the scientific monitoring and evaluation of the special tuition project. This project is intended to improve the education opportunities of children and young people with a migration background and help them to gain better or higher school qualifications. The target group is pupils in school years five to ten. These pupils are supported in their school work and with the German language by trainee teachers for two to four hours per week outside school hours. The students providing this special tuition also benefit from this concept as they are able to gain intensive practical teaching experience. Commissioned by: Stiftung MercatorCompletion: December 2008 Researcher: Sibylle Drexler Publication: efms: Förderunterricht für Kinder und Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund. Evaluation des Projekts der Stiftung Mercator. Kurzfassung. Bamberg 2009 Spielend lernen in Familie und Stadtteil (Learning easily in the family and the district) The efms was also conducting an evalution of the pilot project "Spielend lernen in Familie und Stadtteil". This project was intended to support disadvantaged children aged between 0 and 11, most of them with a migration background, in Nuremberg. The three-year pilot project integrated German language teaching, social advice and guidance, and support with occupational and social integration. Commissioned by: Bundesamt für Migration und FlüchtlingeCompletion:June 2007 Researcher: Richard Wolf Publications: Wolf, Richard: Zwischenbericht zur Evaluation des Projektes "Spielend lernen in Familie und Stadtteil". Bamberg 2006. Wolf, Richard: "Spielend lernen in Familie und Stadtteil" - Endbericht zur Evaluation des Programms. Bamberg 2007. Frühstart - Deutsch und interkulturelle Erziehung im Kindergarten (German language and intercultural education in the kindergarten) The efms has been given the task of evaluating the pilot project "Frühstart", which was conducted in 12 kindergartens in Hesse. The objective of the three-year pilot project was the support in early childhood of immigrant children of kindergarten age. The concept integrated language teaching, intercultural education and parents' work in the kindergarten. Commissioned by: Türkisch-Deutsche Gesundheitsstiftung, Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung and Herbert-Quandt-StiftungCompletion: December 2006 Researcher: Richard Wolf Abrahamic Teams Abrahamic Teams, an initiative by the Intercultural Council ( Interkultureller Rat) in Darmstadt, were teams composed of Jews, Christians and Muslims who visited schools and appeared in public events to hold open, critical discussions about how the religions coexist. The efms carried out an evaluation of a number of these events.> Commissioned by: Intercultural CouncilCompletion: Autumn 2004 Researcher: Richard Wolf Integration courses The Centre for Adult Education in Nuremberg and the efms developed the pilot project "At home in Germany". The series of seminars, designed for people interested in naturalisation and other interested foreigners, was scientifically monitored and evaluated by the efms. Commissioned by: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie, Frauen und Gesundheit, Bildungszentrum NürnbergProject period: April 2001 until December 2003 Researcher: Richard Wolf |
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