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Former Academic Institute at the University of Bamberg

european forum for migration studies (efms)
Former Institute at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
Address of the institute (defunct):
Katharinenstr. 1
D-96052 Bamberg

Tel. +49 (0)951-932020-0
Fax +49 (0)951-932020-20

The efms was founded by the lawyers Viktor Foerster and Walter J. Weber and the social scientists Friedrich Heckmann and Wolfgang Bosswick in 1993. Setting up the efms was understood as a necessary step towards institutionalising research into migration and integration in Germany and Europe. The efms has been working on this task by means of numerous projects, reports, publications, lectures and services of various types.

Although in its year of foundation the efms was one of the first research institutes of its kind in Europe, comparable institutes have been set up in almost all European countries in the meantime. The efms has been closely connected also by cooperation networks with other institutes in Germany, in Europe and in the classic immigration countries, the USA, Canada and Australia.

The eastern enlargement of the EU, the growing demographic gap, violent conflicts with refugee crises and the complex problems of integration are central social-policy developments and tasks for the future. The efms has been contributing by assistance in analyzing and solving these problems.

Since 2011, the institute and its intense activities over a period of 26 years have been funded solely by contracted research project funding and services. Two decades of bids for a contribution from public funds for its work eventually became not effectual, resulting in the decision by the board of directors to cease its activities as independent research institute in Spring 2019. The registered association (legal person responsible for the institute) has been dissolved on June 24, 2019.
Information on the background of this decision is provided by a statement of the former board of directors.

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