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efms Migration and Integration Research Award

Logo der Kreissparkasse

The Sparkasse Bamberg (the former Kreissparkasse Bamberg) endowed a research award for excellent academic studies in migration and integration research. The prize was endowed with 1,500 Euro each and was awarded by the efms.

The prize was awarded to young researchers who had recently completed an outstanding research paper in the area of migration and integration of migrants. Specifically eligible for the award were papers with an interdisciplinary approach, which had compiled and transferred academic knowledge for practical migration policy purposes. The papers were to include a concrete orientation towards integration and migration policy and should be of excellent academic quality. The papers had not to be older than two years at the time of submission.

The Migration and Integration Awards were given to:
· Ms Anja Steinbach for her study Soziale Distanz als Kontextbedingung im Eingliederungsprozess. Ethnische Grenzziehungen und die Eingliederung von Zuwanderern in Deutschland, a PhD disseration at the Technical University (TU) of Chemnitz.
· Ms Claudia Diehl for her study Rückzug oder Mobilisierung? Zur Logik und Empirie der Partizipation von Migranten, a PhD disseration at the University of Mannheim.
· Ms Gaby Straßburger for her study Das Heiratsverhalten von Frauen und Männern ausländischer Herkunft im Einwanderungskontext der BRD. Expert report for the Expert Commission in charge of the compilation of the 6th family report "Families of non-German origin", 1998
· Dr Steffen Angenendt for his study Deutsche Migrationspolitik im neuen Europa. Research project of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (German Society for Foreign Policy). Leske & Budrich, Opladen 1997.

The winners of the research awards were chosen by a jury consisting of three persons:
· The director of the efms,
· A researcher nominated by the director of the efms,
· A representative of the university nominated by the director of the university.

After the last prize endowed by the Sparkasse Bamberg has been awarded to Ms Steinbach in 2003, no further awards are planned for the time being. The efms would like to thank the Sparkasse Bamberg for the generous offer to promote young researchers in migration and integration studies, a very important social political research area.

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