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Research areas
efms Services
Transatlantic Discourse
Human smuggling
Land of Ideas
Migration in Europe
10th efms anniversary
Research award
European Summer School
Naturalization ceremony
Citizenship law
5th efms anniversary
Naturalization procedure


Conferences, Further Education and Seminars

Symposium Migration and Integration in Europe

The symposium 5 Years of european forum for migration studies took place on Friday, 15 May 1998 in the lecture hall I of the university of Bamberg, An der Universität 2, 96045 Bamberg.


  • Welcome
    RA (lawyer) Viktor Foerster, Managing director of efms e.V.
    Prof. Dr. Alfred Hierold, Director of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
    Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen, Commissioner of the Federal Government for Foreigners' Affairs, member of the efms council
    Herbert Lauer, Mayor of the city of Bamberg
  • Five years of european forum for migration studies
    Prof. Dr. Friedrich Heckmann, University of Bamberg, Director of the efms
  • Is there a new European migration policy?
    Verónica Tomei, M.A., researcher, efms
  • Can migration processes be controlled?
    Dr. Thomas Müller-Schneider, University of Bamberg, efms
  • Language policy in the nation state
    Tanja Wunderlich, student assistant, efms
  • Coffee break
  • efms Services
    Dipl.-SozW. Wolfgang Bosswick, Administrative director of the efms
    Veronika Vitt, M.A., documentarist, efms
  • Ethnic identity and the sense of belonging among second-generation migrants Susanne Worbs, student assistant, efms
  • The second generaton of migrants in Europe - "EFFNATIS": Report on a EU research project
    Dipl.-Pol. Edda Currle, researcher, efms
    Dipl.-Soz. Harald Lederer, M.A., researcher, efms

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