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Research areas
efms Services
efms Migration Report
RAXEN Bulletins
Statistical Reports
Migration Review 2004
Migration Review 2003
Migration Review 2001
CD Migr. Review 2001
Migration Review 1999
CD Migr. Review 1999
Migration in Europe
Migration in Numbers
CD Migr. in Numbers 97
Further education


efms Services

Statistical Reports on Migration and Integration

An important area within the efms Services are reports on migration and integration. The efms considers it especially important that not only the data are presented, but also relevant background information. This includes the legal basis, the institutional context, how the data were collected and methodological questions. This forms the basis for an appropriate interpretation of the data.

In the area Statistical Reports the following publications are available:

Migration Review 2004 on behalf of the Federal Government

The third Migration Review, which was presented in November 2004, updates the second Migration Review of January 2004 by adding the figures and developments of 2003. The review first describes in detail the migration situation in Germany, then turns to the migration behaviour of individual migrant groups, looks into uncontrolled migration to Germany and examines the migration situation in a European comparison. A further section is devoted to out-migration from Germany. Finally the development of the foreign population in Germany is described.

Commissioned by: Sachverständigenrat für Zuwanderung und Integration on behalf of the Federal Government
Completion: October 2004
Researchers: Stefan Rühl, Edda Currle
Publication: Migrationsbericht im Auftrag der Bundesregierung. Bundesministerium des Innern (ed.), Stefan Rühl, Edda Currle (authors). Berlin 2004.

Migration Review 2003 of the Federal Commissioner for migration, refugees and integration

Following the guidelines of the Federal Government, the Migration Review 2003 is mainly similar in structure to the Migration Review 2001, which was published in November 2001, and presents in a concise and easily accessible form the migration flows in Germany in the period 2000 to 2002. The account of the migration inflows and outflows in Germany is supplemented by a European comparison. What is new is the chapter about the possible consequences of the enlargement of the EU for the migration process in Germany and the chapter about unregulated migration

Commissioned by: Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration on behalf of the Federal Government
Completion: December 2003
Researchers: Stefan Rühl, Matthias Neske, Edda Currle
Publication: Migrationsbericht der Integrationsbeauftragten im Auftrag der Bundesregierung. Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration (ed.), Stefan Rühl, Matthias Neske, Edda Currle (authors). Berlin 2004

Migration Review 2001 of the Federal Commissioner for foreigners on behalf of the Federal Government

The Migration Review 2001 presents in a compact and user-friedly way the migration flows to and from Germany in 1999 and 2000. Although the emphasis is on those two years, long-term perspectives are also included. Not only migration inflows, but also migration outflows from Germany are considered. For this purpose, migration is analysed with regard to its scale, the age and gender structure as well as the countries of destination and origin. In addition, the individual forms of migration and their respective scale are presented in great detail. The presentation of the German migration siutation is followed by a European comparison.

Commissioned by: Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Ausländerfragen
Completion: June 2001
Researchers: Stefan Rühl, Harald W. Lederer
Publication: Migrationsbericht der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Ausländerfragen. (ed.), Stefan Rühl, Harald W. Lederer (authors). Berlin 2001

CD-ROM Migration Review 2001

On the basis of the annual Migration Review, the efms compiled a CD-ROM for the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration which presents the updated Migration Review 2001. In addition, the CD-ROM contains all relevant law tests and a number of other efms publication in electronic form.

Publication: CD-ROM Migration Review 2001. europäisches forum für migrationsstudien (ed.), Harald Lederer; Stefan Rühl (authors). Bamberg 2002 (German / English)

Migration Review 1999. Inflows and Outflows to and from Germany

The Migration Review deals with the migration situation in the 1990s in Germany, with special emphasis on the years 1997 and 1998. For this purpose, migration is analysed with regard to its scale, the age and gender structure as well as the countries of destination and origin. In addition, the individual forms of migration and their respective scale are presented in great detail.

Commissioned by: Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Ausländerfragen
Completion: November 1999
Researcher: Harald W. Lederer
Publication: Migrationsbericht 1999: Zu- und Abwanderung nach und aus Deutschland. Bamberg. Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Ausländerfragen (ed.), Harald W. Lederer, Roland Rau, Stefan Rühl (authors). Berlin 1999

CD-ROM Migration Review 1999

The CD published by the efms contains the complete publication of the Migrations Review 1999 in German and english language, all data of the sold out first CD-ROM Migration and Integration in Numbers, all law texts quoted in the publication, the German foreigners law as of August 2000 and other German law texts relevant for migration issues, i.e. the current regulations for the so-called "Green Card", all issues of the efms Migration Reports 1994-1999 in German and English language.

Publication: CD-ROM Migrationsbericht 1999. europäisches forum für migrationsstudien (ed.), Harald W. Lederer, Roland Rau, Stefan Rühl (authors). Bamberg 2000 (in German and English language)

Data - Facts - Trends

On behalf of the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration the efms compiled a series of modules on various subjects, which contain statistics and background information on foreigners in Germany:

Commissioned by:
Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration

Completion: August 2005
Researcher: Edda Currle, Mario Peucker, Stefan Rühl

Migration in Europe - Data and Background

Information on the migration situation of other Europaen countries Staaten is increasingly ganing importance. However, the mere statistical data as such is often not sufficient to draw conclusion. It is necessary to include well-presented background information, such as the legal basis, the relevant institutions and procedures and information on how the data was collected. In the series Forum Migration the efms published a handbook which contains all this basic information for ten European countries including two new member states from Central Europe.

Funding: Stiftung Bevölkerung, Migration und Umwelt
Completion: June 2001
Researcher: Edda Currle
Publication: Forum Migration 8: Migration in Europa. Daten und Hintergründe. Edda Currle (author). Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart 2004

Indicators of Migration - on the measurement of scales and types of migration

The publication critically assesses the existing migration statistics. The phenomenon "migration" should be registered and reflected in the official statistics in a comprehensive and detailed way. To achieve this, theoretically founded indicators are developed which make it possible to measure migration adequately. This does not only include the officially registered forms of migration, but also undocumented illegal migration flows which are difficult to record.

Funding: Stiftung Bevölkerung, Migration und Umwelt
Completion: Summer 2001
Researcher: Harald W. Lederer
Publication: Indikatoren der Migration. Zur Messung des Umfangs und der Arten von Migration in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ehegatten und Familiennachzugs sowie der illegalen Migration, Harald W. Lederer, efms, Bamberg 2004

Migration and Integration in Numbers

The handbook presents scales and forms of migration and illustrates the various dimensions of the integration of migrants. For this purpose existing data and indicators stemming from various sources have been examined and evaluated. It was researched how the data was collected and what was the relevant legal basis; the results were then related to the potential conclusions that might be drawn. The core of the book is a large number of tables and graphs with a critical assessment of their significance and potential interpretations.

Funding: Stiftung Bevölkerung, Migration und Umwelt / Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Ausländerfragen
Completion: Dezember 1997
Researcher: Harald W. Lederer
Publication: Forum Migration 4: Migration und Integration in Zahlen. Ein Handbuch. Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Ausländerangelegenheiten (ed.), Harald W. Lederer (author). Bonn 1997

CD-ROM Migration and Integration in Numbers

The first CD-ROM produced by the efms was based on the efms project Statistical Reports on Migration and Integration, which started in 1993. The CD contained the complete publication "Migration and Integration in Numbers" (in German), all illustrations in colour in a user-friendly presentation (in German), all law text referred to in the publication (in German), the Foreigners' Law (as of November 1997) and other law texts relevant for migration (in German), a commented list of relevant internet links (URL Hyperlinks) to access relevant news directly.

Publication: CD-ROM Migration und Integration in Zahlen. Ausgabe 1997. europäisches forum für migrationsstudien (ed.), Harald W. Lederer (author). Bamberg 1997

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