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Research areas
efms Services
efms Migration Report
RAXEN Bulletins
Statistical Reports
Migration Review 2004
Migration Review 2003
Migration Review 2001
CD Migr. Review 2001
Migration Review 1999
CD Migr. Review 1999
Migration in Europe
Migration in Numbers
CD Migr. in Numbers 97
Further education


efms CD-ROM Migration Review 2001

CD-ROM Migration Report 2001. europäisches forum für
migrationsstudien (ed.), Harald Lederer; Stefan Rühl (authors).
Bamberg 2002 (German / English)

On behalf of the Commissioner of the Federal Government for Foreigners' Affairs, the efms compiled a CD-ROM which contains an updated version of the Migration Report 2001 and the Migration Report 1999 in German and English in electronic form. It also contains an extensive appendix with all relevant law texts.

In addition, the CD-ROM contains further relevant efms publications in electronic form:

  • Handbook Migration and Integration in Numbers 1997 (in German)
  • Integration Measures by Welfare Organisations (expert report for the Independent Commission "Immigration", 2001) (in German)
  • All editions of the monthly Migration Report 1994-2001 (in German and English)

The CD-ROM was distributed by the Commissioner of the Federal Government for Foreigners' Affairs to German institutions abroad, in order to make central data and facts on the German migration situation available internationally. The CD-ROM contains the electronic publications in PDF-format and can be read with Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix.

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