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Research areas
Migration policy
 Statistical reports
 Migration Theory
 Illegal Migration
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Research area Illegal Migration

Completed research projects

Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Migrants: Types, Origins and Dynamics in a Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspective

The European research project on human smuggling and trafficking examined in an internationally comparative perspective the organisation of human smuggling and trafficking; the social organisation of human smuggling and trafficking was examined in particular by means of documentary analysis and expert interviews.

Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Completed: Summer 2005
Researchers: Matthias Neske, Stefan Rühl
Publication: Forum Migration 10: Menschenschmuggel. Deutschland als Transit- und Zielland irregulärer Migration. Matthias Neske (author). Lucius & Lucius Verlag, Stuttgart 2007 (in German language)

Illegal Employment of Foreigners in the Federal Republic of Germany. Expert report on behalf of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

In this study different legal and socio-economic forms of illegal migration and employment were presented. In addition the situations of immigrants in illegality were discussed as well as the social and economic consequences of illegal migration and employment for the receiving society.

Funding: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Completed: August 2000
Researcher: Harald W. Lederer
Publication: Lederer, Harald W. ; Nickel, Axel: Illegale Ausländerbeschäftigung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Forschungsinstitut der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (ed.), Bonn 1997, 51 pages.

Workshop on Human Smuggling: Transatlantic Perspectives

The aim of this project on the subject of the smuggling of migrants was to bring together expert knowledge from both sides of the Atlantic and to elaborate policy recommendations on the basis of this knowledge. For this purpose the efms and Georgetown University, Washington, conducted two seminars in spring 2000. The participants were international experts from ministries, administrative and legal bodies, from migration research and from other organisations (NGOs), who deal with this issue from different perspectives. In addition to the exchange of information about mechanisms, forms and causes of the globally growing phenomenon of human smuggling, the foundation was laid for an international network.

Funding: The German Marshall Fund of the United States
Completed: 2000
Researcher: Tanja Wunderlich

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