efms Migration Report
January 1995 |  | |  | |
Discussion of Citizenship Law by political parties continues
Within the CDU, some party members champion a reform of the citizenship law that will make it easier for migrant youths to naturalize. An initiative by the SPD on quicker naturalization and on allowing double citizenship concurs in most parts with the plans by the FDP. Spiegel 2.1.95 // Spiegel 16.1.95 // dpa 11.1.95 // dpa 15.1.95 // FR 19.1.95 // taz 20.1.95 // Welt 20.1.95 // dpa 24.1.95
Suggested �Asylum card� is not in accordance with data protection requirements
The chip card for asylum seekers, which was suggested by a working group including representatives of the federal government and the Laender, was rejected by data protection specialists and several ministries for the interior. The chip card was supposed to save person-related data in order to make it easier to identify individuals, to control the receipt of social security payments etc. FR 4.1.95 // dpa 4.1.95 // FR 5.1.95 // SZ 7.1.95 // Zeit 13.1.95
Repatriation negotiations with Vietnam completed
The controversy on the repatriation of about 40,000 Vietnamese living in Germany, who are mostly former contract workers of the German Democratic Republic, was brought to an end in Hanoi. Vietnam agreed to let the Vietnamese in. As a countermove, Germany will provide development funds, which have been cancelled in September 1994 due to the faltering negotiations. To reach a final agreement Germany counts on the support by the European Union. Human rights and refugee organizations reject involuntary repatriations of all Vietnamese. All asylum applications should be fairly investigated. SZ 6.1.95 // FR 11.1.95 // SZ 18.1.95 // dpa 18.1.95 // SZ 20.1.95 // Zeit 20.1.95 // FR 21.1.95 // FR 24.1.95 // taz 24.1.95
Repatriation stop for Kurds extended by another month
The Federal Minster for the Interior Kanther agreed on an extension of the repatriation stop of Kurdish migrants on February 28. A final decision is further delayed due to lacking information on the human rights situation in Turkey. Although German politicians try to play down the situation of Kurds in Turkey, as done by the Saxon Minister for the Interior Eggert (CDU) after a trip to Turkey, concerns can no longer be ignored following the verdicts against Kurdish members of parliament and ensuing vehement international protests. FR 13.1.95 // FAZ 14.1.95// Focus 16.1.95 // Spiegel 30.1.95
Islamic religious instruction at public schools
In the Laender ministries for culture and education the official introduction of religious instruction for Muslim pupils at German schools is discussed. The reason for this suggestion is that religious instruction should not be left with Koran schools, which might spread fundamentalist ideas. North Rhine Westphalia intends to extend Islamic religious instruction to the forms 5 to 7. Up to now, there is only religious instruction in primary schools in some federal states. Welt 17.1.95 // NN 18.1.95
UNHCR demands emergency contingent for refugees
The representative of the UNHCR Cumin appeals to the federal government and the Laender to accept an emergency contingent of threatened refugees who do not have a secure residence status in so-called first asylum countries. About 32,000 refugees who are taken care of by the UNHCR are affected. Various countries, such as the United States, Canada and Australia as well as the Netherlands and Denmark have established a certain contingent for emergencies and for refugees who are threatened with deportation in their first asylum country. FR 23.1.95
Bubis reelected as chairman of Jews in Germany
Ignatz Bubis, who has been the chairman of the Central Committee of Jews in Germany since 1992, will continue in his office. Due to the immigration of 16,000 Jews from the former Soviet Union, the Jewish community in Germany grew to 45,000 members today. FR 26.1.95
Federal Administrative Court accepts for the first time EU jurisdiction regarding residence permits
The Federal Administrative Court Berlin refers to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. It ruled that a Turkish employee has a right to an extension of his work permit after one year of regular employment and that he has free access to the labor market after four years. This results in an entitlement to an extension of the residence permit. This jurisdiction by the European Court of Justice has not been accepted by the German government up to now. StatisticsIn January 12,139 persons applied for asylum in Germany. In January of the previous year, the number amounted to 13,154 persons. This means that the number dropped by 7.7%. Rump Yugoslavia continues to be the most important country of origin (3,398 asylum applications), followed by Turkey (2,554 asylum applicants), Afghanistan (586) and Bosnia Herzegovina (524). BAFl Press Announcement 6.2.95 January 1995 |  | |  | |