efms: former Institute at the University of Bamberg
The european forum for migration studies (efms) has been a scientific institute at the University of Bamberg. Founded in 1993, its main topics have been migration and integration of migrants in Europe. The efms has been active in the areas of scientific research, policy counselling, preparation of expert surveys, evaluation, training, information and documentation.
Migration and integration are among today's most urgent social and political issues. The efms has aimed at enhancing the knowledge and the understanding of these phenomenons by doing social-scientific, interdisciplinary research. The knowledge transfer between science, politics, administration and the general public has been of central interest to the efms. The range of services as practical expertise from experts have played a decisive role.
With its work, the efms has worked for assisting in the development of a viable and humane migration and integration policy in Germany and Europe.
efms: closing of the institute
The european forum for migration studies (efms), former Institute at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, had to close its activities by the end of March 2019. On the background of this decision, please see our Statement below.
For inquiries regarding the SIRIUS Network, please contact Claudia Köhler via claudia.koehler@uni-bamberg.de, and regarding the EU-Project CultureLabs as well as for general inquiries, please contact wolfgang.bosswick@uni-bamberg.de.
The former Board of Directors continues to work on migration and integration and can be contacted via friedrich.heckmann@uni-bamberg.de,
wolfgang.bosswick@uni-bamberg.de and
Prof. (em.) Dr. Friedrich Heckmann, Prof. Dr. Daniel Göler, Dipl. Sozialwirt Wolfgang Bosswick
The website of the efms
On the website of the efms you will find information on the institute and its activities as well as a wide range of materials accessible online. The work efms had been engaged in is continued by its former members; information on ongoing activities will be posted on this website, although efms ceased to exist as institution and legal person on June 24, 2019.
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