
efms Migration Report
March 2006 | | |  | |
European interior ministers
plan further migration and integration measures On the occasion of a meeting on
22 - 23 March 2006 in Heiligendamm (Germany), the interior ministers of France, Germany,
Italy, Poland, Spain and Great Britain agreed on the implementation of concrete measures for
promoting integration and combating illegal immigration. They agreed on an intensive
exchange of information about integration programmes and prerequisites as well as on
setting-up an expert group to analyse the possibility of integration contracts with immigrants
or comparable instruments. Moreover, the ministers decided to enter into a dialogue with the
Muslim community, to establish joint investigative teams to combat smuggling and
trafficking of human beings, to share a common list of safe countries of origin and to
introduce the Visa Information System (VIS). They agreed on intensifying the operational
cooperation to combat illegal immigration and on improving the cooperation with African
countries of origin and transit. For that purpose, it is planned to establish regional
immigration networks in African regions, Asia, Eastern and Southern Europe. The German
federal minister of the interior, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), said that there might be the
possibility to grant a right of residence to refugees who have been living for many years in
Germany, which could be decided by autumn. Günter Burkhardt, managing director of
Pro Asyl, criticised that such decision would have to be taken by this summer already and
added that federal states and aliens" authorities would "heavily try to push people out of
the country". Currently, about 193,000 persons would be tolerated in Germany, of
which a total of 120,580 have been living for more than five years in the country. BMI Press release 23.03.06 // dpa 23.03.06 // FAZ 24.03.06 // Federal
Government (online) 24.03.06 // NN 24.03.06
Deportation agreement
with Poland Germany and Poland have signed an agreement intended to facilitate
the deportation of foreign nationals. The federal minister of the interior, Wolfgang
Schäuble (CDU) and his Polish counterpart, Ludwik Dorn, signed the agreement on 23
March 2006 in Heiligendamm (Germany) on the fringes of the meeting of the interior
ministers of the largest EU Member States. The so-called transit agreement is to facilitate the
joint deportation, for instance from Warsaw, of third-country nationals. dpa 23.03.06
European Council for
Refugees and Exiles criticises misery of refugee children The European Council
for Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), umbrella organisation of 76 refugee organisations, has
criticised that refugee children under age would suffer from extraordinary hardships in
Europe. Children travelling unaccompanied frequently would be informed insufficiently on
the existing family reunification opportunities after having filed an asylum application.
Therefore, ECRE has made a call to the EU Member States to actively support children in
their search for relatives. The provision foreseeing that always the EU Member State in which
the initial asylum application has been filed is in charge of an applicant had "an
extremely cruel impact" on children having entered a country unaccompanied, and for
their families. FR 17.03.06
UNMIK returns
refugees On 18 March 2006, the "United Nations Interim Administration in
Kosovo" (UNMIK) again returned refugees who had been deported from Germany.
Already before the deportation UNMIK had informed the authorities in Berlin that an
admission of the persons concerned would be impossible for humanitarian grounds. The
Aliens" Authority, however, had insisted on implementing the deportations. taz 22.03.06
Naturalisations: Union
parties in favour of Germany-wide standards based on the model in Hesse On 14
March 2006, the CDU government of the federal state of Hesse presented a concept on
naturalisation that foresees six requirements to be fulfilled: a minimum time of residence in
Germany of eight years, sufficient German language skills, completion of an naturalisation
course including a final test on contents and values, no involvement in anti-constitutional
activities, a declaration of loyalty and the swearing of an oath. The draft for a guide on
"knowledge about and values in Germany and Europe" presented by interior
minister Bouffier (CDU) contains one hundred questions on different topics such as German
geography and history, the constitution and basic rights in Germany. Federal chancellor
Angela Merkel (CDU), federal interior minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) and the
integration commissioner of the federal government, Maria Böhmer (CDU) expressed
themselves in favour of German-wide standards, which could be decided about on the
occasion of the conference of interior ministers to be held at the beginning of May. Federal
interior minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) said that the introduction of corresponding
federal laws could be possible as well. So far, the parties of SPD and FDP have rejected in
their majority the plans of the Union parties. Against the background of the this opposition,
the Union parties expect having to find compromises. "There will be no one hundred
per cent agreement with the federal states governed by SPD", said the interior minister
of Bavaria, Günther Beckstein (CSU). An agreement on subjects like language courses
and loyalty to the constitution, however, could be possible. taz
14.03.06 // FAZ 15.03.06 // BZ 17.03.06 // Die Welt 17.03.06 // Handelsblatt
Baden-Württemberg: Max-Planck-Institute considers interview guide contrary to
international law The Max-Planck-Institute for foreign public law and international
law has classified the interview guide of the local government of the federal state of
Baden-Württemberg as "contrary to international law" as it would violate
the Convention against Racial Discrimination of the United Nations. Beate Weber (SPD), the
Lord Mayor of the city of Heidelberg who had commissioned the expertise, feels backed in
her position classifying the corresponding ordinance as unlawful. Interior minister Herbert
Recht (CDU), who was asked to comment the expertise, said that he would carefully review
it, but would not see any reason for withdrawing the interview guide from being used by the
authorities in charge of naturalisations. Press release of the
ministry of the interior of Baden-Württemberg 14.03.06 // Press release of the city of
Heidelberg 15.03.06 // FR 16.03.06
Immigration Act:
Evaluation by June 2006 In accordance with the stipulations of the coalition
agreement entered into, the federal government has begun to evaluate the Immigration Act:
This evaluation is to provide a decision on the residence status of approximately 150,000
tolerated refugees and to facilitate the immigration of highly-skilled persons. At first, the
Immigration Act will be revised internally by a working group. Politicians of both the SPD
and CDU parties intend to facilitate the immigration of highly-skilled persons. It was
criticized that compared to the annual average of 2,200 IT experts and top scientists coming
to Germany in the years 2000 to 2004 by making use of the German Green Card scheme, the
number dropped to 900 since the entering into force of the Immigration Act on 1 January
2005. The SPD expert for interior affairs, Dieter Wiefelspütz, said that it would be
necessary to automatically grant work permits to spouses and family members of
highly-skilled persons in order to make more highly-skilled experts come to Germany. In
addition, he expressed himself in favour of granting a lasting right of residence and
subsequent naturalisations and made a call for "substantially reducing"
bureaucracy when examining applications for residence titles. Die
Welt 03.03.06 // dpa (online) 03.03.06 // Hamburger Abendblatt (online) 04.03.06 // dpa
Integration courses: First
outcomes and cutback in expenditures According to the federal government in its
reply (16/639, 16/725) to two almost similar "small inquiries" made by the
parliamentary groups of the "Die Linke" (The Left Party) and Bündnis
90/Die Grünen (Alliance 90/Greens), a total of 64,120 newly immigrated aliens were
obliged to participate in an integration course and 8,196 integration courses were started in
the year 2005. A total of 60,934 of new immigrants were given permission to attend an
integration course. In 2005, 126,959 persons applied for an integration course, of which
121,476 applications were granted. As regards the outcomes of the integration courses for
aliens, which are compulsory since 1 January 2005, the integration commissioner of the
federal government, Maria Böhmer (CDU), draws differentiated conclusions: Even
though she said that the offerings and the interest shown in them were satisfactorily, she
criticised the quality of the courses, arguing that the courses would have to be more
differentiated in terms of achievement levels and educational background and that they
should be stronger related to occupational matters. Moreover, she criticised the high number
of "low cost service providers" had a negative impact on the course quality. On
the other hand, federal interior minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) plans to cut the
2006 expenditures from 206 million originally foreseen to 141 million euros, saying that the
number of immigrants being for the first time entitled to take integration courses pursuant the
new Immigration Act would be lower than originally expected. Of the 208 million euros
provided by the federal government in 2005, only 80 millions would have been spent. The
announcement of these plans was sharply criticised by the parties of SPD, FDP and Greens.
The migration expert of the SPD, Ms. Lale Akgün, argued that the past year could not
be used as a reference. As the area of integration would currently undergo a restructuring, it
would be normal that funds were requested only slowly. This, however, would not mean that
these funds were not urgently needed. Deutscher Bundestag
(Federal parliament) (online) 01.03.06 // taz 10.03.06 // FR 11.03.06 // Handelsblatt 20.03.06
// Stern (online) 21.03.06 // NN 22.03.06
Germany-wide school
study reveals that migrant children learn English easier For the study called
"German English Student Achievements International" (in its German
abbreviation "DESI"), about 11,000 school students in grade 9 of all school types
were tested in all federal states at the beginning and at the end of the school year 2003/04.
The study had been commissioned by the Conference of Ministers of Education (KMK)
already before the PISA study 2001 and was implemented by the German Institute for
International Educational Research (in German "DIPF"). One of the findings was
that children of migrants have advantages in learning English, which could be used in better
way. Students, who have already learned German as foreign language have less difficulties in
learning English. According to DESI, children who are raised in a multi-lingual family - with
the other learning conditions being comparable - have a "competitive advantage"
of at least half a year over children speaking only German. BZ
barometer": Every third child wishes to emigrate According to a survey
among 2,300 children living in North Rhine-Westphalia, almost every third child wants to
leave Germany at a later time in the future. According to the survey of the Westdeutsche
Landesbausparkasse (Western German building society) called
"Kinderbarometer" (Childrens" barometer), the destination of dreams of 17 per
cent of the children aged between 9 and 14 is another country in Western Europe. Six per cent
of the children would like to go to North America, and four per cent to Turkey. The survey
showed that the older children are, the stronger the desire of moving to another country.
Almost half of the children of immigrants said they would like to leave Germany further on
in the future. Die Welt 03.03.06
UNHCR: Number of
asylum applications at record low According to a report of the High Commissioner
for Refugees (UNHCR) published on 17 March 2006, the number of persons having sought
asylum in 50 industrialized countries has almost halved since 1991. Therefore, the UNHCR
has made a call to the governments to ease the strict conditions of admission and to give back
opportunities to real refugees. In the 38 industrialized countries keeping detailed statistics
(besides the European states also the US, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and South
Korea), the number of refugees in 2005 was 15 per cent lower than in 2004. Only 331,600
persons applied for asylum, which constitutes the lowest number since 1987. The decrease
was particularly strong in Great Britain, Denmark and Germany. In 2005, the highest number
of refugees arrived in France (50,000), followed by the US (48,800), Great Britain (30,500)
and Germany (28,900). Compared to the number of inhabitants, Cyprus, Austria and Norway,
followed by Sweden and Switzerland, admitted the highest numbers of refugees over the last
five years. FR 18.03.06
Every third alien in
Germany has been living in the country for more than 20 years According to the
information of the Federal Statistical Office published on 28 March 2006, more than one third
of the 6.76 million aliens in Germany has been living here for more than 20 years. About 4.6
million persons have been living in the Federal Republic of Germany for at least eight years
and could hence apply for the German citizenship. In 2005, the Central Aliens" Register (in
German "AZR") registered 0.5 per cent more (+38,000) persons than in the
previous year. This meant that the number of citizens possessing a foreign nationality
remained almost unchanged compared to 2004. 1.4 million (21 per cent) of the aliens living
permanently in Germany were born in the country. In 2004, 127,000 foreign nationals were
granted the German citizenship. Above-average growth rates were registered for the
following countries of origin: Lithuania (15 per cent), Poland (12 per cent), Taiwan (9 per
cent), Brazil (8 per cent) and Japan (6 per cent). Considerable declines of 5 per cent each
were registered for persons coming from Iran, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. dpa 28.03.06
Asylum statistics
In March 2006, a total of 2,140 persons have submitted a petition for political asylum in
Germany. The figure constitutes an increase of 20.3 per cent (+361 persons) compared to
February 2006. Compared to March 2005, the number of asylum seekers has declined by 3.7
per cent (-83 persons). The main countries of origin in March 2006 were Serbia and
Montenegro (353), Iraq (225) and Turkey (209) followed by the Russian Federation (100) and
Vietnam (94). In March 2006, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has reviewed
the applications of 2,957 asylum seekers, 27 (0.9 per cent) of whom have been recognised as
entitled to political asylum. A further 95 persons (3.2 per cent) have been granted protection
against deportation according to §60, paragraph 1, Residence Act. The applications of
1,781 persons (60.2 per cent) have been rejected. The cases of another 1,054 persons (35.7
per cent) have been closed for other reasons, for example because asylum seekers have
withdrawn their applications. Press release BMI of 08.04.06
March 2006 | | |  | |