
efms Migration Report
January 2005 | | |  | |
EU interior and justice
ministers hold informal talks on "Hague Programme"
EU interior
and justice ministers met in Luxembourg on 29th January 2005 for two days of informal talks
on how to achieve the goals of a common interior and justice policy set by the "Hague
Programme" for the next five years. Among other issues, ministers focused on the
so-called "external dimension" of European asylum and migration policy.
Participants have agreed to foster the protection of refugees in their home regions and in
transit countries. Ministers have also approved of proposals for a "resettlement
programme", i.e. relocating a limited number of recognised refugees to EU member
states, proposals which had originally been presented by Ruud Lubbers, the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees. The EU Commission has been assigned to present proposals for
a pilot scheme for such regional protection programmes until July.
taz 27.01.05 // Tagesschau.de 29.01.05 // FAZ 31.01.05 // SZ 31.01.05
// NN 31.01.05
German parliament: first
reading of bill for an
Anti-discrimination Act
The first parliamentary reading of the
government bill for an Anti-discrimination Act (ADG), held in the German Bundestag, the
lower house of the federal parliament, on 21st January 2005, has triggered a heated debate
between the red-green government coalition and opposition parties. The government bill sets
out to "prevent or abolish discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, sex,
religion or fundamental beliefs, disability, age or sexual identity (§1 ADG). The law
aims at regulating these issues in civil law as well as in employment law. According to the
red-green government coalition, discrimination against migrants on the labour market, in
housing and in other areas of civil law is still an everyday occurrence. The law also mandates
setting up a federal anti-discrimination authority. With its ADG bill, the federal government
is implementing EU guidelines, with some regulations, however, exceeding the minimum
standards set by the EU. The most contentious issues of the bill comprise the extent of the
legal definition for discrimination and the burden of proof in ensuing legal proceedings.
Representatives of the opposition parties, as well as Dieter Hundt, President of the German
Association of Employers, have branded the bill as an assault on personal autonomy and an
unnecessary interference with current employment law practice. The government coalition
and the German Trade Union Association (DGB), on the other hand, have hailed the bill as a
major step towards a "culture of equal treatment". They have also expressed the
view that the legislation will not lead to a surge in court cases.
taz 19.01.05 // FR 19.01.05 // Interkultureller Rat Pressemitteilung
20.01.05 // Integrationsbeauftragte der Bundesregierung Pressemitteilung 21.01.05 // Welt
22.01.05 // www.heute.de 23.01.05
Parliamentary enquiry
"Security risks visa
The panel conducting the parliamentary
enquiry entitled "security risk visa policy" convened for its first session in Berlin
on January 20, 2005. The opposition CDU/CSU parties have alleged that the Federal Ministry
for Foreign Affairs, headed by foreign minister Joschka Fischer, has aided and abetted
hundreds of thousands of cases of visa abuse, notwithstanding repeated warnings by the
Federal Bureau of Criminal Investigation, the Federal Intelligence Service and the Federal
Border Guard. According to the so-called "Volmer directive", German embassies
had been directed to give priority to freedom of travel if they were in doubt about issuing a
SZ 15.01.05 // Die Welt 17.01.05 // BZ
19.01.05 // FAZ 21.01.05 // SZ 29.01.05
Conference of interior
ministers: interim regulations for Jewish immigrants
At their
meeting on 29th December 2004, the German interior minister conference decided on interim
regulations for Jewish immigrants from the succession states of the former Soviet Union. The
interim regulations are to take effect on 1st January 2005. According to the decision, Jewish
emigrants will only be admitted unconditionally to Germany if they have already been
granted admission by one of the federal states, in order to "clarify the current legal
SZ 05.01.05 //
BMI Pressemitteilung 07.01.05
Immigration Act: integration
Nuremberg-based Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has estimated the
number of potential participants in integration courses at 194,000 for the year 2005. Out of
this total, 56,000 people already are foreign residents of Germany, the remaining 138,000
being constituted by foreign nationals and ethnic German immigrants entering the country.
Approximately 1,500 educational institutions that are planning to offer integration courses
have already been registered. Some of the participating organisations have criticised the
"additional bureaucracy" as well as the fact that the courses do not include the
social counselling which has so far been routinely offered to migrants. Respective
organisations had already demanded to include social counselling during parliamentary
hearings for the new Immigration Act. The German Association of Adult Education Centres
(DVV) has expressed its concern that up to 60% of participants could fail to pass the final test
of their integration courses. In Berlin, there is still a lack of funds for German language
classes, estimated at € 270,000. Moreover, the demand for courses among migrants who
already are residents of Berlin exceeds the number of available places by
Welt am Sonntag 16.1.05 // Tagblatt
21.01.05 // Tagesspiegel 30.01.05
Denaturalisation of citizens
with dual
In cases where residents have obtained dual
citizenship, the German nationality can be revoked, even against the will of the person
concerned, if respective persons do not become stateless in the process. According to the
Frankfurt-based migration law expert Reinhard Marx, this legal practice has occurred in
"at least five cases" in the state of Hesse alone over the last year. The
denaturalisation procedures have been justified by allegations that new citizens had failed to
provide information about their membership in anti-constitutional organisations, thus
"fraudulently obtaining" their naturalisation through false statements.
Furthermore, former Turkish nationals who have been granted German nationality will
automatically lose their German citizenship if they secretly re-obtain their Turkish
citizenship. The federal government has referred to these regulations in response to a
parliamentary motion (15/4496) by the CDU/CSU opposition parties, which had alleged that
40,000 to 50,000 Turkish nationals, with the help of Turkish authorities, have obtained dual
citizenship in Germany in a "legally improper manner". According to Ute Vogt
(SPD), the parliamentary state secretary in the interior ministry, Turkish authorities have
meanwhile ended this practice, following a bilateral agreement between the two
taz 04.01.05 // Der Spiegel
10.01.05 // Flüchtlingsrat Nordrhein-Westfalen Pressemitteilung 14.01.05 // Das
Parlament 18.01.05 // SZ 22.01.05
Ministry of the Interior recommends three-month suspension of deportations to Asian
countries affected by Tsunami catastrophe
In a circular dated 19th
January 2005, Federal Interior Minister Otto Schily (SPD) has sent a recommendation to state
interior ministers to the effect that state authorities should for three months suspend
deportation procedures to the areas affected by the Tsunami disaster. According to Mr.
Schily, his letter is in accordance with a recommendation by the UNHCR and the views
expressed by other European states. In contradiction to this recommendation, the Federal
Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) had on 5th January 2005 issued a statement to a
35-year-old Tamil from Sri Lanka who currently lives in Bremen, informing him that an
entitlement to protection against deportation can only be granted if he otherwise "would
face almost certain death or risk the most severe injuries". The statement had continued
by pointing out that this was not the case in Sri Lanka, as the consequences of the flooding
"were limited to coastal areas in the north, east and south of Sri Lanka" and the
person concerned could therefore move to unaffected areas of Sri Lanka.
FR 13.01.05 // BMI Pressemitteilung 19.01.05 // Die Welt
Repeal of asylum recognition
or secure residence status for
According to a report filed by the
International League for Human Rights in Berlin on 26th January 2005, the Federal Office for
Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has over the last months in more than thirty cases repealed
the asylum recognition or secure residence entitlements for Iranian nationals. The people
concerned had stated on their arrival in Germany that they were members of a resistance
group called the People"s Mujahideen ("Mujahedin-e-Khalq" -MEK). The repeal
had been prompted by a decision, which was taken in 2002, to include the MEK organisation
in the EU list of terrorist groups. In its statement, the International League for Human Rights
alleges, however, that the actual reason was "scandalous political horse-trading"
between EU countries and Iran over the nuclear-weapon issue.
Pressemitteilung Flüchtlingsrat Nordrhein-Westfalen 14.01.05 //
BZ 26.01.05 // FR 27.01.05
German authorities crack
down on non-German
With the new Immigration Act having taken
effect, there are first indications that German authorities have begun to crack down on
extremist non-German residents. In a nationwide raid carried out on 12th January 2005, 22
suspected Islamists, including five women, were arrested by the police. In a concerted action
directed by the Bavarian State Bureau of Investigation (LKA), almost 800 police officers and
three public prosecutors searched 57 apartments and mosques, most of them located in
Baden-Wurttemberg and North-Rhine Westphalia, with some others situated in Bavaria,
Hesse and Berlin. Members of an "Islamist-extremist network" are suspected of
having formed a criminal organisation centred in the Ulm / Neu-Ulm area, committing
criminal offences such as human trafficking, property offences, for example fraud, and other
offences such as "propagating ideas aimed at an incitement of the people" and
recruiting people for the "holy war". On the 22nd January 2005, police in
Nuremberg arrested Remzi Kartal, who is the deputy leader of the banned Kurdish
organisation PKK and wanted by Turkey for alleged terrorist activities. On 23rd January
2005, police in Mainz arrested two suspected members of Al-Qaida. The suspects have been
accused of planning insurance fraud as well as suicide attacks in Iraq. The Iraqi Ibrahim K. is
currently considered to be the most dangerous Al-Qaida activist in
taz 03.01.05 // Die Welt 05.01.05 //
NN 12.01.05 // Die Welt 13.01.05 // FAZ 13.01.05 // BZ 13.01.05 // SZ 14.01.05 // FR
24.01.05 // SZ 25.01.05 // NN 25.01.05 // welt.de 25.01.05 // Der Spiegel
Top-level talks between EKD
and Muslim
Leading representatives of the Protestant
Church in Germany (EKD) and Muslim organisations met for a two-hour talk in Berlin on
11th January 2005. The aim of the talks was to exchange differing points of view and discuss
critical issues. Among the issues raised by the EKD were the equality between men and
women, Islamist terror and the state-church relationship in Islam. Representatives of the
Muslim organisations, on the other hand, have questioned the liberal stance of many
Protestants on abortion, their attitude towards homosexuality, the "secularisation"
of Western society and the perceived criticism of headscarves as a symbol for the oppression
of women. The meeting, which was the first of its kind, is to be repeated annually in
NN 11.01.05 // Die Welt
University chair for Islamic
religious instruction at Erlangen-Nuremberg
The Bavarian education ministry has
authorised the establishment of a university chair for Islamic religious instruction at
Erlangen-Nuremberg University. The professorship, which will be the first of its kind in the
whole of Germany, will allow approximately 30 students to receive training as future teachers
for Islamic religious instruction at primary and secondary schools. It will also fulfil the
necessary requirements for expanding religious instruction for Muslim students in Bavaria,
which had so far been offered on a trial basis only. NZ 18.01.05 // SZ 31.01.05
Bavaria closes repatriation
centres for asylum seekers in
Hormersdorf and Nuremberg
In a surprising move, the Bavarian interior
ministry has decided to close down the repatriation centres for asylum seekers in
Hormersdorf and Nuremberg. These centres had been set up to accommodate asylum seekers
whose country of origin was unknown and who had failed to provide identification
documents. In future, they are to be accommodated in regular centres for asylum seekers, as
the special centres had, according to Michael Münchow, administrative director at the
district government of Middle Franconia, "caused too much of a
NN 11.01.05 // NN 12.01.05 // NN
Ruling by Federal
Administrative Court (BGH): Child custody can be
restricted if daughter faces genital mutilation
The XII. Civil Court of
Appeal at the Federal Administrative Court (BGH) ruled on 27th January 2005 that parents
can lose their right of determining the place of residence of their underage daughter if they
plan to bring their daughter to a country where she faces genital mutilation. According to the
court, restricting parental custody in such a case is admissible and proportionate, as the
circumcision of a girl constitutes a cruel, consequential and unjustifiable mistreatment which
seriously infringes on the well-being of a child.
FR 28.01.05 // Die Welt 28.01.05
Integration representative
Beck: Migration to Germany continues to decrease
Marieluise Beck, the
federal government commissioner for integration, presented the latest annual migration
statistics in Berlin on 17th January 2005, emphasising that migration flows to Germany have
continued to decline. In the year 2003, at 769,000, migration inflows fell below the level of
800,000 for the first time in years. During the same period, migration outflows amounted to
626,000 Germans and non-German nationals leaving the country. According to Ms. Beck, the
downward trend is likely to continue in 2004, with net migration probably levelling at
approximately 70,000 to 80,000, which equals 0.1% of the total population. Migration
inflows have thus reached their lowest level since 1991. Ms. Beck also tried to put
immigration figures into perspective, pointing out that seasonal workers, who are registered
in the migration statistics, do not stay permanently in Germany. In 2003, for example, inflows
of seasonal workers amounted to 318,000 (+3.6%), most of them of Polish nationality. In
2003, the largest group of immigrants were Germans (167,000). This group includes
Spätaussiedler (ethnic German immigrants), but also return migration of former
German residents. On the whole, the number of migrants planning to settle down in Germany
permanently has decreased. The proportion of non-German residents has remained stable at
8.9% of the total population, notwithstanding the decreasing immigration figures. Two thirds
of the non-German residents have lived in Germany for more than ten years, one fifth even
for more than thirty years.
NZZ 19.01.05
// Kölner Stadtanzeiger 18.01.05 // SZ 19.01.05 // FAZ 21.01.05 // Das Parlament
In January 2005, 2,338 persons have
submitted a petition for political asylum in Germany. This constitutes another significant
decrease in asylum figures, by 14.9% (-408 applicants) over December 2004, and by 37.9%
(-1,429 applicants) over January 2004. In January 2005, applicants" main countries of origin
were Serbia and Montenegro (357), Turkey (271) and the Russian Federation (178), followed
by Vietnam (109) and Iraq (97). The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has passed
decisions on the asylum petitions of 3,437 persons, 36 of whom (1.0%) have been recognised
as entitled to asylum. A further 117 persons (3.4%) have been granted protection against
deportation according to §60 Par. 1 Residence Act. The petitions of 2,116 persons
(61.6%) have been rejected. The cases of a further 1,168 persons (34.0%) have been closed
for other reasons, for example because applicants have withdrawn their
Pressemitteilung BMI
January 2005 | | |  | |