efms Migration Report
August 1999 |  | |  | |
Entry regulations into Germany for Turkish earthquake-victims The ministers of the Interior of the Bund and Länder agree upon a regulation for Turkish citizens from the earthquake area in Turkey: a short-term residence-permit shall be granted " unbureaucartically and quickly" to unmarried persons under age and to spouses of Turkish citizens living in Germany. Therefore, a special visa is issued, the duration of which is limited to 15 days, but which might be extended to 90 days at the most. The Federal Government establishes an office at the Istanbul
airport. The authorities verify whether persons picking up their relatives in Germany maintain at least a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis or Aufenthaltsbefugnis) for Germany. In addition, it must be proved that a relationship exists and that the person willing to enter Germany comes from the earthquake area. BMI Press Announcement 24.8.99 // SZ 24.8.99 // taz 25.8.99 // SZ 25.8.99 // FR 27.8.99
UN critcizes unjust treatment of under-aged asylum seekers The UN criticizes the treatment of the 5,000-10,000 unaccompanied refugees presently living in Germany. In doing so she refers to a study which was supported by the UNHCR. The UN especially criticizes the fact that in Germany refugees at the age of sixteen are empowered to act unrestrictedly in asylum matters. Partly, the asylum procedures are said to be carried out with neither a legal advisor nor personal assistance; it were expected too much of the children to prove their political persecution
on their own. In addition, the UN critically views the habit of estimating the age of children arriving in Germany without identification; thus, too often majority is assumed. On these grounds, Unicef demands the entire recognition of the UN-Children´s Rights Convention which was ratified by Germany only under reservation. FAZ 20.8.99 // FR20.8.99 // SZ 20.8.99 // SZ 23.8.99
Repatriation of Kosovo-Refugees Until the end of August 1999, approximately 4,000 Kosovo-refugees have left Germany, 10,500 persons still live in refugee hostels. Apart from Skopje airport, Pristina airport is now open to humanitarian charter flights to a limited extent. Nevertheless, in repatriating the refugees capacity problems occurr according to the Interior Ministers of the Länder. Hence, they press on negotiations with Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria whishing to speed up the repatriation-process by land. Pro Asyl and the Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat
accuse the authorities of not having informed themselves in Kosovo about the conditions of return; neither housing nor medical treatment were sufficiently ensured for the largely traumatized persons. A descision on a compulsory repatriation has not yet been made. FR 2.8.99 // dpa 9.8.99 // NZ 18.8.99 // NN 26.8.99
Airlines responsible for passengers flown into Germany illegally According to a descision of the Administrative Court in Kassel, airlines flying passengers without valid identification into Germany must pay not only for the return flight, but must also defray "other costs" created by foreigners having come to Germany illegally. The airlines oppose the decision because it would lead to an "exaggerated duty of control". The Court meets the airlines opposition by pointing to the Foreigners" Law as basis for the ruling. FR 3.8.99
Only limited work permits for tolerated foreigners In order to protect "German employees from foreign competition" a readjustment of the law at the beginning of this year provides that tolerated foreigners are not allowed to pursue specific occupations. Nordrhein-Westfalen more closely defines these occupations in a catalogue which is published every three months. At the time it comprises 79 occupations, including street cleaners, assistants for cooks, assistants in restaurants, and gardeners. FR 26.8.99
Federal Boarder Guard"s officials subject to order of aircraft captain Responding to a question of the PDS-parliamentary party in the Bundestag, the Ministry of the Interior declares that in case of deportation Federal Boarder Guard officials are subject to the aircraft captain"s authority. Thus, the proceedings of policemen against a person forcefully resisting his/her deportation are dependent on the respective aircraft captain"s order. The regulation is determined by a treaty, signed in Tokyo in 1963 and is effective for the national as well as the international airspace.
FR 14.8.99 // SZ 31.8.99 // FR 2.9.99
More illegal entries detected in 1998 According to the annual report of the Federal Border Guard, 40,201 persons were detected entering Germany illegally in the past year. This is an increase of 14.2% in comparison to 1997. Most of the seizures took place at the German-Czech border. The main countries of origin were Kosovo, Rumania, and Afghanistan. Since 1998, the Federal Border Guard has extended authorization of control; in order to prevent illegal entries identification may also be carried out at commercial airports or railway facilities without evident
suspicion. FAZ 28.8.99 // NZ 28.8.99
Aussiedler statistics; setting-up of integration-networks In August 1999 7,087 persons were registered as Aussiedler (ethnic German immigrants) in Germany. In the same month of the previous year 8,961 persons were registered. The Federal Commissioner for Aussiedler, Jochen Welt, points out that while the numbers of ethnic German immigrants stabilize at a lower level, the Aussiedler"s integration has become more difficult. Therefore "networks" shall be set up. Among others, churches, labor unions and cultural institutions shall participate in these networks.
The main objective is to work out, coordinate, and evaluate integration projects more accurately. The Ministry of the Interior will support the establishment of such networks financially. Solely by networks shall future integration projects be supported. BMI Press Announcement 3.9.99
Asylum statistics In August 1999 8,905 persons applied for political asylum, a slight decline of 5.4% (503 persons) compared to the previous month. There was a distinct drop of applications for political asylum by Kosovo-Albanians (-55.9%). In contrast the number of Non-Albanians from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia applying for political asylum continued to increase. The rate of approval in completed cases was 4.0% (311 persons). For the time period of January to August 1999 the rate of approval in completed cases was 3.7%. BMI
Press Announcement 7.9.99
August 1999 |  | |  | |