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Research areas
Migration policy
 Statistical reports
MR 2004
MR 2003
MR 2001
MR 1999
 Migration Theory
 Illegal Migration
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PROMINSTAT - Promoting Comparative Quantitative Research on Migration and Integration in Europe

The main objective of PROMINSTAT was to promote comparative quantitative research in the field of migration and integration. It did so in three respects:

First, an online accessible database has been established containing essential technical information on statistical datasets in 27 European countries (EU-25 Member States plus Norway and Switzerland) as well as the variables included in these dataset. The database was set up by refining and expanding the COMPSTAT database (, which had been developed in an earlier project (Comparing National Data Sources in the Field of Migration and Integration - COMPSTAT) in 2001 and 2002. In contrast to the COMPSTAT database, which only included datasets available as micro-data on the national level, the PROMINSTAT project also describes datasets only available as aggregate statistics. As a result, the database is a comprehensive inventory of (national) datasets relevant for migration and integration research.

Second, national data collection systems were systematically described in the form of brief country reports which also provide essential contextual information necessary to understand statistical data in the area of migration and integration more generally.

In the third part of the project, thematic studies explored the possibilities for and the limitations on conducting comparative research in a number of different thematic areas in the broad field of migration and integration of migrants. Through the thematic studies, the project website also served as a platform for the discussion of fundamental methodological problems in this area as well as a tool for dissemination of project results.

For more information on PROMINSTAT go to the project's homepage: PROMINSTAT.

The efms was one of 18 European partner institutions in PROMINSTAT and is the co-ordinator of the thematic studies, which represent the third part of the project.

Funding: European Commission (6th Framework Programme)
Project duration: March 2007 - December 2009
Researcher: Stefanie Reiter
Heckmann, Friedrich; Köhler, Claudia; Peucker, Mario; Reiter, Stefanie: Quantitative Integration Research in Europe - Data Needs and Data Availability. Thematic Study compiled within the framework of the EU project PROMINSTAT. Vienna 2010
Peucker, Mario; Reiter, Stefanie: National Data Collection Systems and Practices. Country Report Germany. Vienna 2009

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