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efms TeamPublications of Doris Lüken-KlaßenThe Impacts of Rights on Family Migrants' Integration in Europe: Literature Review. Oxford 2013 (with Friedrich Heckmann) Analysis of Existing Quantitative Data on Family Migration: Germany. Oxford 2013 Intercultural policies and intergroup relations. Case Study: Arnsberg, Germany. Forthcoming Ethnic Entrepreneurship. Case Study: Arnsberg, Germany. Dublin 2012 (with Franziska Pohl) Interkulturelle Politik in europäischen Städten. Intergruppenbeziehungen und die Rolle von Migrantenorganisationen in der Integrationsarbeit. Bamberg 2011 (with Friedrich Heckmann) Ethnic Entrepreneurship. Case Study: Stuttgart, Germany. Dublin 2011 (with Franziska Pohl) Ethnic Entrepreneurship. Case Study: Sundsvall, Sweden. Forthcoming Ethnic Entrepreneurship. Case Study: Frankfurt, Germany. Dublin 2011 (with Franziska Pohl) Unternehmertum von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund in Frankfurt am Main. Amt für multikulturelle Angelegenheiten (AmkA), Stadt Frankfurt am Main, 2010 (with Franziska Pohl) Unternehmertum von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund in Stuttgart. Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 2010 (with Franziska Pohl) Intercultural policies in European cities. Dublin 2010 (with Friedrich Heckmann) Intercultural policies and intergroup relations. Case Study: Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Dublin 2010 (with Franziska Pohl) Intercultural policies and intergroup relations. Case Study: Stuttgart, Germany. Dublin 2010 Intercultural policies and intergroup relations. Case Study: Sundsvall, Sweden. Sundsvall 2010 Review of "Rainer Geißler/Horst Pöttker (ed.): Massenmedien und die Integration ethnischer Minderheiten in Deutschland. Band 2: Forschungsbefunde." In: Hans-Bredow-Institut (ed.): M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 57 (2009), 4, Hamburg 2009, pp. 539-540 Diversity policy in employment and service provision. Case study: Tallinn, Estonia. Dublin 2009 (with Wolfgang Bosswick) Diversity policy in employment and service provision. Case study: Stuttgart, Germany. Dublin 2009 Diversity policy in employment and service provision. Case study: Frankfurt, Germany. Dublin 2009 Diversity policy in employment and service provision. Case study: Arnsberg, Germany. Dublin 2009 Integrationsbericht Schwäbisch Gmünd. efms Bamberg 2008 (with Judith Halisch) Kommunale Diversitätspolitik in den Bereichen Beschäftigung und Dienstleistungen in Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt 2008 Housing and integration of migrants in Europe. Strasbourg, Dublin 2007 (with Wolfgang Bosswick and Friedrich Heckmann) Case Study on Housing - Izmir, Turkey. Dublin 2007 (with Wolfgang Bosswick and Hayat Ünverdi) Case Study on Housing - Stuttgart, Germany. Dublin 2007 Wohnverhältnisse von Migranten in Stuttgart - Kommunale Maßnahmen und Politiken. Stuttgart 2007 Case Study on Housing Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Dublin 2007 Kommunale Wohnpolitik zur Integration von Migranten in Frankfurt am Main. Bericht im Rahmen des europäischen Städtenetzwerkes CLIP: Cities for Local Integration Policies. Frankfurt 2007 Case Study on Housing - Arnsberg, Germany. Dublin 2007 Wohnverhältnisse von Migranten in Arnsberg - Kommunale Maßnahmen und Politiken. Arnsberg 2007 Housing and residential segregation of migrants - A state-of-the-art report. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 2007 (with Wolfgang Bosswick, Heinz Fassmann and Josef Kohlbacher) Local integration policies for migrants in Europe. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg 2007 (with Maren Borkert, Wolfgang Bosswick and Friedrich Heckmann) The Impact of the Media on the Integration Process in Europe and the United States. A Conference Report. Bamberg 2007 (with Friedrich Heckmann)
Integration of Migrants and Local Housing Policies in Germany and the U.S. A Conference Report. Bamberg 2006 (with Friedrich Heckmann) Challenges for Local Integration Policy in the U.S. and in Germany. A Conference Report. Bamberg 2006 (with Friedrich Heckmann) Nutzen familienfreundlicher Unternehmenspolitik. In: Bayerische Elite-Akademie (ed.): Untersuchungen des Zusammenhangs zwischen Investitionen in Human- und Sozialkapital und ökonomischen Erfolg. München 2005 (with Simon Bierbaum et al.) Roma in Public Education. RAXEN 5 Report to the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), Bamberg 2004 (with Sonja Meixner) |
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