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efms Team
Prof. Friedrich Heckmann
Prof. Daniel Goeler
Wolfgang Bosswick
Maria Matreux
Susanne Bartig
Claudia Koehler
Claudia Lechner
Doris Lüken-Klaßen
Stefanie Reiter
Luisa Seiler
Nevin Uca
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efms Team

Luisa Seiler

Studied Applied Political Sciences (B.A.) and Political Sciences (M.A.) at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg and the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Aix-en-Provence/France. Main study subjects have been international migration policy and regional studies Middle East/North Africa. Various assignments in the field of inter-cultural counselling and refugee counselling. Staff member at the Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute for research in cultural sciences in Freiburg. Field work in Rabat/Morocco and Montréal/Canada.

Researcher at the efms since May 2013. Since October 2015 freelancer at the efms.

Direct phone: 0951-932020-15


Areas of work

Migration and integration in Germany, international migration policy, inter-cultural contact, racism, discrimination and asylum.


Seiler, L. (2014, i. E.): Die Marokkanische Diasporapolitik im Wandel - eine Frage der Gouvernementalität? Bamberg: efms.

Patuzzi, L; Seiler, L. (2014): Bericht zur Tagung "Migration und Demokratie" vom 7.-9. Oktober 2011 im Tagungshaus Wiesneck (bei Freiburg I.Br.). In: Hunger, U.; Pioch, R.; Rother, S. (eds.): Migrations- und Integrationspolitik im europäischen Vergleich. Jahrbuch Migration 2012/13 Studien zu Migration und Minderheiten, Band 21, Berlin, 355-59.

Patuzzi, L.; Seiler, L.; Waldschmidt, S. (2011): Abschied und Willkommen. Deutsche Migrations- und Integrationspolitik im europäischen Vergleich. Tagungsbericht. In: WeltTrends - Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, 79: 132-34.

Seiler, L. (2011): The East Moves West. India, China, and Asia's Growing Presence in the Middle East. Review. In: International Quarterly for Asian Studies, 42(3-4): 397-99.

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