efms Migration Report
June 2000 |  | |  | |
Asylum law / immigration The Federal Minister of the Interior, Otto Schily (SPD) aims at establishing an expert commission for developing ideas on modifications of the asylum and the foreigners law until midyear 2001. Schily especially hopes for practical solutions and recommendations which also would be suitable for Europe. Representatives of all political parties, the churches, the economy, the labor unions, the UNHCR, the Länder and Kommunen, and scientific branches should make up the commission. Schily asks Rita Süssmuth (CDU)
to be the commission"s chairwoman. The CDU strongly criticizes Süssmuth"s acceptance of Schily"s offer as its chair had previously refused to cooperate in the committee. Hans-Jochen Vogel (SPD) will be vice-chairman. Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen will represent the FDP. CDU and CSU accuse the SPD of establishing the commission in order to avoid it"s responsibilities as the governing party. The bayerische CSU and the baden-württembergische CDU plan to introduce a resolution proposal to the Bundestag. Its approval would require the Federal Government to come up with a general concept for immigration. According to both
parties, the problem as a whole could only be solved by creating a law restricting immigration. Schily calls for a differentiation "between immigration which considerably burdens the social budget and immigration which suits our economic interests". In contrast, the Federal President, Johannes Rau and Alliance 90/The Greens warn of restricting the asylum law and mixing it with immigration. The SPD"s spokesman for internal affairs, Dieter Wiefelspütz again stresses that the SPD will "definitely not" consent to an alteration of the basic right to asylum. FAZ 10.6.0 // Spiegel 12.6.00// FAZ 23.6.00 // Spiegel
online 25.6.00 // dpa 26.6.00 // Spiegel 26.6.00 // Spiegel online 27.6.00 // FR 29.6.00
Migration Report to be drawn up annually The Bundestag approves the SPD"s and Alliance 90/The Greens" petition to draw up an annual report on the situation of migration in Germany. The report should contain information on immigration as well as on emmigration of Germans and foreigners. In addition, information on refugees and on ethnic German immigrants (Spätaussiedler) should be included. dpa 8.6.00
Under-aged refugees According to statistics of the UNHCR, the numbers of unaccompanied under-aged refugees seeking asylum in Europe are steadily increasing. Last year, 13,6000 children and adolescents younger than 18 years fled to 15 European countries. They are primarily refugees from Ex-Yugoslavia, China, Afghanistan, and Somalia. According to the UNHCR, 5,000 -10,000 child refugees presently live in Germany. The UNHCR appeals to the admitting countries for special protection of these children. dpa 29.6.00
Albert Schmid new president of the Federal Office for the Recognition of Foreign Refugees Following the proposal of the Federal Interior Minister, Otto Schily, the Bundeskabinett approves to appoint Albert Schmid as the new president of the Federal Office for the Recognition of Foreign Refugees (BAFl). The SPD-politician and jurist Schmid will commence his work at the BAFl on July 1,2000. Presently, 2,300 persons are employed at the BAFl throughout Germany. dpa 1.6.00 // NN 1.6.00 // NZ 1.6.00 // FAZ 2.6.00
Amnesty International criticizes treatment of refugees in Germany In its annual report, amnesty international (ai) criticizes the treatment of refugees in Germany. Ai"s secretary-general, Barbara Lochbihler says that "whereas the number of cases were decreasing, their gravity were not". The report especially criticizes the airport procedure, the mal-treatment of refugees by the police, and the courts" decisions on deportations. FR 15.6.00
European Council passes general guidelines against discrimination By passing general guidelines against discrimination, the European Council wishes to establish a standardized basis for legal regulations against ethnic discrimination at work and in everyday life. The Federal Commissioner for Foreigners, Marieluise Beck (Alliance 90/The Greens) hopes that due to this decision a law against discrimination now will be drawn up more speedily. SPD and Alliance 90/The Greens had agreed upon the formulation of such a law in their coalition agreement. BMI Press Announcement 31.5.00
Aussiedler statistics 9,188 ethnic German immigrants (Spätaussiedler) were registered in Germany in June 2000. In June of the previous year, 6,251 persons had been registered. In comparison to May 2000, the number of registered persons has increased slightly. In the first six months of this year, 44,815 persons entered Germany, whereas in the same time period last year 39,758 persons were admitted. All in all, approximately 100,000 persons are expected to be registered this year. The Federal Commissioner for Aussiedler, Jochen Welt, points out
the integration model for Spätaussiedler could be developed into an integration model for all groups of immigrants. The model is based on language instruction, information for professionals, guidance in social matters as well as on work within the communities. BMI Press Announcement 12.6.00 // BMI Press Announcement 3.7.00
Asylum statistics 5,747 persons seeking political asylum were registered in Germany in June 2000. This is a decrease in applications of 9.0% (569 persons). Compared to June 1999, the decrease amounts to 40.4%. In the first six months of this year, 35,949 persons applied for political asylum in Germany for the first time. In contrast to last year, this is a decline of 22.6% (10,508 applications). The decline is due mostly to a reduced number in applications from persons from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. BMI Press Announcement
June 2000 |  | |  | |