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efms Migration Report

January 2000

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Relaxation of working ban on asylum seekers

The Federal Government wishes to revise the working ban on asylum seekers. "In the future", the SPD spokesman on internal affairs, Dieter Wiefelspütz declares, "asylum seekers should be allowed to take up a job after twelve to twentyfour months". The Greens prefer an employment ban of merely three months. The list of occupations asylum seekers are not admitted to is at the time being discussed as to it s composition. Agreement is said to be reached in February. According to Marieluise Beck (Alliance 90/ The Greens), Federal Commissioner of Foreigners, up to 100,000 persons would benefit from the reform.
taz 6.1.00 // Welt 24.1.00 // dpa 30.1.00

Draft on independent right of residence for spouses

SPD and Alliance 90/ The Greens present a draft on the reform of the Foreigner s Law which provides an independent right of residence for spouses after two years as opposed to previously four years. A minimum of two years is considered wise since a certain level of integration should be reached by the applicants. Nevertheless, in cases of hardship an independent right of residence could be granted earlier. This would be the case if "further adherence to a broken marriage seems unreasonable and if mental and physical health of children is endangered". The CDU fears, the draft will open the way for migration and will lead to a rise in feigned marriages.
SZ 15.12.99 // BMI Press Announcement 28.1.00 // Welt 28.1.00

UN-Study: "Replacement Migration: A solution to declining and aging populations?"

According to a study which will be published in March 2000 by the United Nations the importance of migration cannot be underestimated for future Europe. Germany s present population (82 million), for instance, is expected to sink to 73 million in 2050. Essentially, this corresponds to the Statistical Federal Office s figures. The study examines the proportion of persons employed compared to pensioners and concludes that, in order to maintain the 1995 level of persons employed, Germany would have to admit 500,000 migrants annually until 2025. Although the development of a disproportionately high number of old people is perceived, migration as the solution to this problem is discussed controversially. The demographer Herwig Birg points to the necessity of the migrants professional qualification, as well as to the prerequisites for integration receiving countries must meet. As for the migrants higher birth rates, Birg says, they usually adapt quickly to those of the country of immigration. The Federal Ministry of the Interior, in regard to Germany s high unemployment rate at present, wishes to wait to see how migration will develop in the course of the EU-expansion.
Spiegel online 5.1.00 // Spiegel online 6.1.00 // taz 7.1.00

President of the Jewish Council supports integration of migrants

Paul Spiegel, the new president of the Jewish Council, considers the integration of Jewish migrants one of his major tasks in order to improve the relations between Jews and Non-Jews. According to Spiegel, the members of Jewish Communities have tripled since 1989 amounting to 80,000 today.
taz 10.1.00

Germany and Albania negotiate transit agreement for Kosovo-refugees

The Federal Minister of the Interior, Otto Schily (SPD) and Albania s Minister of the Interior, Spartak Poci negotiate a transitagreement which provides for a facilitated and less bureaucratic passage of Kosovo-Albanians through Albania to Kosovo. It is planned that the same route will be used for the compulsory repatriation of Kosovo-Albanians. Until the end of January 20,000 persons have voluntarily returned to Kosovo. At the present, approximately 180,000 Kosovo-Albanians live in Germany who are obliged to leave the country.
BMI Press Announcement 27.1.00

Teams responsible for analyzing deportation procedure

After a Sudanese suffocated during his deportation in May 1999, a team responsible for improving safety at deportation procedures is set up by the Federal Minister of the Interior, Otto Schily. A separate group of experts should find out why persons are not immediately deported if they are no longer holding a right of residence. In response to a question of the PDS, the Bundestag reports that in the years from 1990 to 1998 approximately 290,000 persons were deported.
taz 8.1.00 // dpa 24.1.00

Niedersachsen makes proposal to speed up asylum procedures

In order to speed up asylum procedures Niedersachsen plans on introducing a bill to the Bundesrat in February. According to the Minister of the Interior of Niedersachsen, Heiner Bartling, the asylum procedures of children could be included in their parents proceedings in the future. The regulation would prevent the possibility that one family member after the other applies for asylum, sometimes prolonging the proceedings for years. While Bayern approves of the proposal, the Federal Ministry of the Interior presumes it conflicts with the individual s right to asylum which is guaranteed in the Grundgesetz.
NN 25.1.00

Deportation ban on Chechen refugees; Preparation of new country report on Chechnya

The Federal Government passes a ban on deportation for Chechen refugees. Furthermore, a new country report on Chechnya is being prepared. The refugee organization Pro Asyl had previously criticized the Office for the Recognizion of Foreign Refugees for rejecting applications for political asylum by Chechen refugees. In addition, Pro Asyl had pointed out that the 1998 country report would be an inadequate source for assessing the current situation.
dpa 27.1.00 // FR 29.1.00

Illegal immigrants 1999

During the past year the Federal Boarder Guard detected 37,789 persons entering Germany illegally. This is a decrease of 2,400 persons compared to the previous year. Most illegal entries were detected at the German-Czech boarder (approximately 13,000).
FAZ 25.1.00

Aussiedler statistics

10,772 Spätaussiedler (ethnic German immigrants) were registered in Germany in January 2000. During the same month of the previous year 9,294 persons were registered. According to the Federal Commissioner for Aussiedler, Jochen Welt the Government s measures to support German minorities in Eastern Europe are successful. Owing to the founding of new businesses as well as to professional training, new jobs were being created and a successful development of local businesses were prompted. Thus, the willingness of ethnic Germans to stay within the country were increased.
BMI Press Announcement 27.1.00 // BMI Press Announcement 3.2.00

Asylum statistics

6,618 persons applied for political asylum in January 2000. This is a decrease of 19.4% (1,598 persons) compared to January 1999. It is the lowest number of applications in any January since 1988. Compared to December 1999 there was a decrease of 6.7% (474 persons) in applications for political asylum. The rate of approval in completed cases was 2.4% (311 persons). 4.1% (526 persons) were granted protection against deportation following the Geneva Convention for Refugees.
BMI Press Announcement 9.2.00

January 2000

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