
Migration in Europe: Conference in co-operation with the study group Migration - Integration - Minorities of the German Society for Demography (DGD) on 5 November 2004
Haug, Sonja and Swiaczny, Frank (Editors): Migration in Europe (in German language) Lectures held at the 6th Conference of the study group Migration-Integration-Minorities of the German Society for Demography (DGD) in co-operation with the european forum for migration studies (efms) in Wiesbaden on 5 November 2004. Federal Institute for Population Research at the Federal Statistical Office, Materialien zur Bevölkerungswissenschaft (Materials on Population Science), Heft (Volume) 115 /2005, Wiesbaden
- Preface - Sonja Haug and Frank Swiaczny
- Externalisation of control over migration in Great Britain and Spain - Andreas Ette and Margit Fauser
- Migration in Spain - A case of exception among the southern European states? - Axel Kreienbrink
- Immigration to Italy - Maren Borkert
- Migration to Poland - Edda Currle
- France within the EU-internal migration system (EU15) - Sandra Beer
- Migration and allochthone population in the Netherlands - Frank Swiaczny
- Migration in Albania - Daniel Göler
- Migration from middle and eastern Europe to Germany - Sonja Haug
- Migration to Germany in the context of the EU enlargement - Stefan Rühl
- Transnational migration networks in Lithuania - Sabine Boomers
Conference programme
- 10.00 hrs: Charlotte Höhn, Director of the Federal Institut for Population Research (Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung), Wiesbaden: Welcome address
Topics block I: Migration in Europe
- 10.15 hrs: Andreas Ette and Margit Fauser, CRC "Transformations of the State", Bremen: Externalisation of migration policy? The cases of Britain and Spain
- 10.45
hrs: Axel Kreienbrink, IMIS Osnabrück: Migration and migration policy in Spain
- 11.15 hrs: Maren Borkert, european forum for migration studies (efms), Bamberg: Italy
- 11.45 hrs: Break
- 12.00 hrs: Edda Currle, european forum for migration studies (efms), Bamberg: Migration to Poland
- 12.30 hrs: Sandra Beer, Institute for urban and regional planning (Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung), University of Aix-Marseille: France within the European migration system
- 13.00 hrs: Lunch break
- 14.00 hrs: Frank Swiaczny, Federal Institute für Population Research (Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung), Wiesbaden: Migration and the allochthone population in the Netherlands
- 14.30 hrs: Daniel Göler, Institute for Geography (Institut für Geographie), University of Bamberg: Migration in Albania
- 15.00 hrs: Sonja Haug, (Federal Institute for Population Research (Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung), Wiesbaden: Emigration from middle and eastern Europe: the case of Bulgaria
Topics block II: European migration in Germany
- 15.30 hrs: Stefan Rühl, european forum for migration studies (efms), Bamberg: Migration to Germany in the context of the EU enlargement
- 16.00 hrs: Break
- 16.15 hrs: Sabine Boomers, Institute for Ethnology (Institut für Ethnologie), Free University of Berlin: Lithuanian migrants and entrepreneurship. About the development of new economic structures through transnational networks
- 16.45 hrs: Matthias Neske, european forum for migration studies (efms), Bamberg: Illegal migration to and through Germany