Conferences, Further Education and Seminars Symposium Migration and Integration in EuropeThe symposium 5 Years of european forum for migration studies took place on Friday, 15 May 1998 in the lecture hall I of the university of Bamberg, An der Universität 2, 96045 Bamberg. Programme- Welcome
RA (lawyer) Viktor Foerster, Managing director of efms e.V. Prof. Dr. Alfred Hierold, Director of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen, Commissioner of the Federal Government for Foreigners' Affairs, member of the efms council Herbert Lauer, Mayor of the city of Bamberg - Five years of european forum for migration studies
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Heckmann, University of Bamberg, Director of the efms - Is there a new European migration policy?
Verónica Tomei, M.A., researcher, efms - Can migration processes be controlled?
Dr. Thomas Müller-Schneider, University of Bamberg, efms - Language policy in the nation state
Tanja Wunderlich, student assistant, efms - Coffee break
- efms Services
Dipl.-SozW. Wolfgang Bosswick, Administrative director of the efms Veronika Vitt, M.A., documentarist, efms - Ethnic identity and the sense of belonging among second-generation migrants Susanne Worbs, student assistant, efms
- The second generaton of migrants in Europe - "EFFNATIS": Report on a EU research project
Dipl.-Pol. Edda Currle, researcher, efms Dipl.-Soz. Harald Lederer, M.A., researcher, efms