efms Team
Doris Lüken-Klaßen
Sociologist (Dipl.), studied sociology with the main emphasis on European Studies, demography, sociology of migration and inter-ethnic relations as well as European law at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg and the Université de Paris X (Nanterre), France. Alumnus of the Bavarian Elite-academy, Munich, 2005.
Various assignments at, among other, Siemens in Erlangen (Germany), the OECD in Paris (France) and the NGO Adises in Murcia (Spain); since 2010 lecturer at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg.
Researcher at the efms since 2006; head of the research area integration.
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e-mail: doris.lueken-klassen@uni-bamberg.de
Areas of researchAnalysis of municipal and national integration policy in Europe, monitoring of integration, evaluation of integration projects, accompaniment of city networks
Publications Presentations