efms Migration Report
March 2005 | | |  | |
EU-Commission supports
limited migration inflows of foreign labour in the medium term
In ist "Green book for demographic change", which was adopted on 17th March
the EU Commission points out that the European Union needs an additional workforce of
approximately 20 million people until the year 2030. In order to counteract a continuously
ageing society, EU Social Commissioner Mr. Spidla has proposed several measures that
include family benefits, parental leave or all-day child-care, but also limited migration
inflows of foreign labour to supplement the European labour market.
Die Welt 17.03.05
Ruling by European Court of
Justice: Students from EU
member states are entitled to receive student loans in other EU member states
In a ruling by the European Court of Justice (EuGH) published on 15th
March 2003, the court has referred to the principle of European Union Citizenship in its
decision that European students are entitled to receive student loans in other EU member
states. The underlying appeal had been lodged by a French student who has been living in the
UK for nine years and who has unsuccessfully applied for a British government loan to cover
his living expenses as a student. The ruling will probably also have an effect on Germany"s
Bafög regulations for student grants and student loans. The latter will probably be
introduced shortly by several German States together with the planned university
SZ 16.03.05
Number of foreign
residents living in Germany lower than previously estimated
of the key data on the number of non-German residents living in Germany have been found to
be incorrect. As outlined in the latest statistics published by the Central Register for Foreign
Residents (AZR) in Nuremberg, the actual number of non-German residents amounts to 6.7
million people, i.e. there are 700,000 fewer non-German residents than had previously been
estimated. The Federal Ministry of the Interior has confirmed that the data "need to be
adjusted to a considerable extent". The ministry has also stressed that the state
governments have been mainly responsible for the inaccurate data, above all the states of
Bavaria and North-Rhine Westphalia, which have failed to update their statistics on foreign
residents on a regular basis.
09.03.05 // FR 10.03.05 // Handelsblatt 10.03.05 // Der Spiegel 26.03.05
New developments in
"visa affair"
In the parliamentary panel investigating the
so-called "visa affair", opposition parties have set out to determine the extent to
which the visa policy of the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs (AA) has aided and abetted
illegal human smuggling and widespread visa abuse. Opposition parties have also accused
foreign minister Joschka Fischer (Greens) of ignoring internal criticism and warnings about
the visa practice by several German embassies, and of having issued a directive interdicting a
cooperation of the German embassies concerned with the Federal Bureau for Criminal
Investigation (BKA) and the Federal Border Guard (BGS). In addition, the opposition wants
to determine whether Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and Federal Interior Minister Otto
Schily were somehow involved in the irregularities. Meanwhile, it has become known that the
responsible department within the Federal Ministry of the Interior had already pointed out in
March 2000 that the so-called "Volmer Directive" on issuing visas "did not
conform" to the regulations of the Schengen Treaty. The ensuing conflict on the relaxed
visa requirements between the interior ministry and the ministry of foreign affairs has
supposedly been settled after an intervention by the Office of the Chancellor. The relaxed
visa requirements have also played a role, though a differing one, in two trials on human
smuggling. A Ukrainian couple, which had criminally conspired to obtain 84 visas from the
German embassy in Kiev, has been sentenced to long prison terms by a regional court in Hof
(Bavaria). A German-Ukranian accused of human smuggling, on the other hand, has only
been cautioned by a local court in Cologne on 17th March 2005. In its ruling, the court has
pointed out that the defendant, in obtaining 57 tourists visas for Ukrainians seeking work in
Germany had committed "a criminal offence on the interface between freedom and
BZ 03.03.05 // Die Welt 04.03.05 //
Die Welt 05.03.05 // BZ 08.03.05 // SZ 10.03.05 // NN 11.03.05 // FR 18.03.05 // Die Welt
23.03.05 // BZ 24.03.05 // SZ 31.03.05
BAMF: Successful start for
In a statement published on 3rd March 2005,
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has provided the latest information
on integration courses: Since 1st January 2005, a total of 756 integration courses has been
launched. 24,000 non-German residents and 6,900 ethnic German immigrants
(Spätaussiedler) have so far been allowed to participate. Two months after the new Immigration Act took effect, 41,000 people have already been granted an entitlement to
participate in the courses. According to Albert Schmid, President of the Federal Office, the
new Immigration Act has "passed its first practical test with flying colours".
Contrary to all the previous negative expectations, the transition from the old inhomogeneous
language course system to the standardised integration courses has been successful.
Pressemitteilung BAMF 03.03.05 // dpa
Symposium on illegal
The first
symposium focussing on illegal immigration was held in Berlin on 2nd March 2005, jointly
organised by the Catholic Forum "Living in Illegality" and the Council of
Migration. The conference was opened by Wolfgang Thierse (SPD), the President of the
Federal Parliament. The 372 participants, representing various political parties, the judiciary
and several social organisations, have signed a "manifesto on illegal immigration - for a
differentiated and solution-oriented debate". The manifesto demands that illegal
immigrants are granted access to health care, gainful employment and school education for
their children. In addition, it objects to the criminalisation of those who provide emergency
help and support to illegal immigrants. Suffragan Bishop Josef Voß, chairman of the
migration commission of the German Conference of Bishops, has called on legislators to
amend the Immigration Act to that end.
SZ 02.03.05 // FAZ 03.03.05 // SZ 03.03.05 // NN 03.03.05 // BZ 03.03.05
// FR 03.03.05 // FAZ 04.03.05
Baden-Wurttemberg: Islamic
religious instruction starts in
In the context of a model project, Muslim pupils will be offered Islamic
religious instruction at twelve primary schools in Baden Wurttemberg, starting in the school
year 2006/07. The decision was taken on 15th March 2005 by the state government cabinet in
Stuttgart led by Premier Erwin Teufel (CDU).
SZ 15.03.05 // SZ 16.03.05 // FAZ 16.03.05
Hamburg Senate raises hopes
for residence entitlement for refugee
Hamburg"s CDU-led Senate (state
parliament) announced on 29th March 2005 that migrant children having arrived in the
Hanseatic city without a visa will be spared from deportation "under certain
conditions". The 40 or more boys and girls, who had been brought into the country by
their families, are to be granted residence entitlements. In doing so, the state parliament
makes use of the regulations in the new Immigration Act, which took effect on 1st January
2005. According to the new regulations, migrants can be granted residence entitlements for
humanitarian reasons if all other legal possibilities have been exhausted.
taz Hamburg 30.03.05
Hertie Foundation expands
"Start" scholarship programme
The scholarship programme "Start", endowed by the
non-profit Hertie Foundation, is currently providing financial support to 132 gifted
non-German pupils from 32 different countries. Until 2007, this number is to be increased to
350 scholarships. The foundation has allotted an additional € 3.8 million in order to
achieve this goal. Furthermore, the Hertie Foundation plans to cooperate with other
foundations, state and municipal governments as well as private citizens in order to initiate a
broad alliance for integrating and fostering non-German children.
FAZ 10.03.05 // SZ 14.03.05
Right-wing extremism in
Saxony, Brandenburg and Berlin
According to the victim-support organisation
AMAL, the actual number of violent xenophobic offences committed in Saxony in 2004 was
higher than the number of cases registered in the official statistics. Whereas Saxony"s interior
ministry has only registered 17 cases for the year 2004, AMAL estimates that the actual
number of offences has been as high as 141 cases involving 200 victims. On 23rd March
2005, a public opinion study on right-wing extremism was published by the opinion research
centre Forsa, the Paul-Lazarsfeld Society and the Free University of Berlin. According to the
study, 6% of the residents of Berlin, and 12% of the residents of Brandenburg have a
right-wing extremist world view.
BZ 22.03.05 //
FR 24.03.05 // Die Welt 24.03.05 // BZ 24.03.05
Tightened assembly- and
criminal-law regulations against neo-Nazis
The two chambers of
the federal parliament, the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, have passed amendments tightening
assembly and criminal-law regulations with an overwhelming majority. The new regulations
can already be applied on 8th May 2005, the sixtieth anniversary of the end of World War II,
when the right-wing party NPD is planning to stage a demonstration march at the
Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The new regulations enable authorities to ban assemblies at
historically significant and memorial places, such as former concentration camps, if such
demonstrations infringe on the dignity of victims of Nazism. The amendment also explicitly
mentions the Holocaust memorial in Berlin. State legislatures will be entitled to designate
further memorial places as protected areas. The tightened regulations are aimed at efforts by
right-wing extremists to stage demonstrations at historically significant places. People who
publicly approve of, justify or glorify National-Socialist tyranny and despotism will face fines
or prison sentences of up to three years. The Berlin Senate, the state legislature, is also
planning to organise a "democracy festival" at the Brandenburg Gate on 8th May
2005, in order to spearhead a nation-wide alliance of initiatives, politicians, religious
organisations and trade unions that have been demonstrating for weeks against the planned
NPD march.
Die Welt 08.03.05 // SZ 09.03.05 //
Informationen des BMI 15.03.05 // NZ 23.03.05 // NN 20.02.05
Trials against
The Brandenburg Higher Regional Court
has, for the first time in Germany in fifteen years, classified a neo-Nazi organisation as a
terrorist organisation. On 7th March 2005, the court sentenced twelve young men, all of them
members of the so-called "Havellaender Group", to prison terms between eight
months and four-and-a-half years. The convicted men have set fire to ten takeaways and
restaurants managed by Turkish or Vietnamese residents. Almuth Berger, Brandenburg"s state
government commissioner for foreign-resident affairs, has announced the publication of a
brochure entitled "Targeting takeaways" as a protest against the arson attacks.
Meanwhile, the Federal Court of Justice has classified the rightwing-extremist rock band
"Landser" as a criminal organisation, sentencing the band leader Michael
Regener to a prison sentence of four months.
Der Spiegel 07.03.05 // SZ 08.03.05 // BZ 08.03.05 // BZ 09.03.05 // NN
Nationwide school project
against anti-Semitism
schools from the states of Brandenburg, Berlin and Saxony are participating in the new
nationwide project "Youth leaders against anti-Semitism". The project, which
was presented on 8th March 2005, is jointly organised by the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, the
American Jewish Committee, the Centre for Anti-Semitism Research and the Berlin State
Institute for School and Media. In accordance with similar projects in the USA, the project
will train six to eight selected eight- or ninth-form pupils from each participating school over
two years in how to confront anti-Semitic tendencies actively and
BZ 09.03.05
Falling numbers of asylum
seekers in industrialised countries
The number of asylum seekers in
industrialised countries has been decreasing. According to the UN Refugee Agency, the
number of officially registered asylum seekers in 50 selected countries has fallen to its lowest
level since 1988. Among the receiving countries, Germany, with 35,600 asylum petitions (a
one-third decrease over the previous year), ranked fourth among industrialised countries,
following France, the US and the UK. The UN Refugee Agency has pointed out that two
developments are responsible for the decrease: For one thing, fewer refugees have arrived
from areas of conflict such as the Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. For another, many
industrialised countries have tightened their immigration rules. The ten new EU members,
which joined the European Union in 2004, have been the only countries bucking the trend,
with a four-percent increase in asylum petitions. This increase can be explained, first and
foremost, by the influx of refugees from Chechnya, who mostly apply for asylum in Eastern
European countries.
02.03.05 // NZ 02.03.05
Asylum statistics
In March 2005, a total
of 2,223 persons submitted a petition for political asylum in Germany. The figure constitutes
an increase by 5.8% (+122 persons) over the previous month, but a decrease by 34.8%
(-1,188 persons) over March 2004. Similar to the preceding month, applicants" main countries
of origin in March 2005 were Serbia and Montenegro (417), Turkey (252) and the Russian
Federation (125), followed by Iraq (123) and Vietnam (94). The Federal Office for Migration
and Refugees reviewed the cases of 4,188 persons in March 2005, 31 (0.7%) of whom were
been recognised as entitled to political asylum. A further 194 persons (4.6%) were granted
protection against deportation according to §60 Par. 1 Residence Act. The petitions of
2,364 persons (56.5%) have been rejected. In addition, the cases of a further 1,599 persons
(38.2%) have been closed for other reasons, for example because applicants have withdrawn
their petition.
Pressemitteilung BMI
March 2005 | | |  | |