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Research areas
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efms papers
Forum Migration
Transatlantic Discourse
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Migration Report
efms Migration Review
RAXEN Reports
efms CD-ROM


Publications: efms papers

With the efms papers, the institute presents a new publication series containing results of its current research activities.

efms-paper 2017-1
Heckmann, Friedrich: Unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge. Lebensverläufe in Deutschland. Bericht an die Werner-Zeller-Stifung. efms paper 2017-01, Bamberg, Januar 2017

efms-paper 2015-1
Heckmann, Friedrich: Integration: What makes it work? efms paper 2015-01, Bamberg, January 2015

efms-paper 2012-1
Heckmann, Friedrich: Willkommenskultur: Was ist das, und wie kann sie entstehen und entwickelt werden? efms paper 2012-7, Bamberg, Mai 2012

efms paper 2011-1
Heckmann, Friedrich: Intergroup Relations in the City: Social Scientific Foundations of Intercultural Dialogue? efms paper 2011-6, Bamberg, August 2011

efms paper 2010-2
Heckmann, Friedrich: 50 Jahre Integrationspolitik in Deutschland?. efms paper 2010-5, Bamberg, December 2010

efms paper 2010-1
Heckmann, Friedrich: Recent Developments of Integration Policy in Germany and Europe. efms paper 2010-4, Bamberg, May 2010

efms paper 2009-3
Peucker, Mario: Ethnic discrimination in the labour market - empirical evidence on a multi-dimensional phenomenon. efms paper 2009-3, Bamberg, October 2009

efms paper 2009-2
efms, ISR: The CLIP Module on Housing and Segregation. Discussion Paper on Methods. efms paper 2009-2, Bamberg, July 2009

efms paper 2009-1
Rohde, Caterina: Positioning of Migrants into the Housing Market: Structural Conditions and Urban Policies. efms paper 2009-1, Bamberg, May 2009

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