The International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) was established in January 1994 to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the field of forced migration (including refugees as well as internally and other displaced persons). With over 200 founding members, the Association is built on six successful 'IRAP' conferences held from 1990-98. The Association is seeking to unite a large and heterogeneous international community of researchers and practitioners and to enable members of that community to interact and exchange ideas. Specific aims of the Association are:
To advance scholarly knowledge of forced migration; |
  | To advance the understanding of appropriate and effective practice concerning forced migration; |
  | To facilitate networking and better communication among those involved with refugee and other forced migrant issues; |
  | To disseminate scholarly and practical information concerning forced migration.
For each two-years term, an Executive Committee is nominated at the IASFM Members' Assembly during the biannual international IRAP conference. At this Assembly, the Acting Officers are elected to administrate the IASFM activities for the next two years term. The Statustes of the Association state that the Executive Committee must be representative of both gender and region. In addition, a conference committee is formed to
plan the next IRAP Conference, chaired by François Crépeau (University of Montreal).
A major focus of the Association's activities is a Biennial Conference which aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum for for intellectual exchange and communication between academic researchers, refugee professionals and policy-makers. The first biennial conference organized by the IASFM was held from 9-12 April 1996 at the Centre for Refugee Studies, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya. The 6th International Conference was held from 13-16 December 1998 at Jerusalem, the 7th International Conference was be held in Johannesburg, South Africa in January 9-12, 2001. The upcoming 8th International Conference will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand on January 5-9, 2003.
As a special benefit to members, the Association has negotiated a reduced rate for members (25% discount) for each of the three major international journals on forced migration studies published by Oxford University Press: Journal of Refugee Studies, the Refugee Survey Quarterly and the International Journal of Refugee Law.
IASFM is using the World Wide Web with up-to-date information on current activities as main communication tool. The IASFM Web Site is currently be expanded to a library of conference papers and a data base on PhD thesis projects in the future. Initially, the communication of Association business is also via the Forced Migration Review, a magazine distributed by the Refugee Studies Programme, Oxford,
to over 4,000 members worldwide.
Membership is open to all who subscribe to the objects and statutes of the Association, subject to the payment of annual dues. Given concern that programmes and policies concerning refugees and other forcibly uprooted people are rarely made with their participation, the Association strongly encourages membership of persons who have had such experience, and encourages all members to adopt methods and
which involve the consultation of those affected by forced migration. Membership covers the following benefits:
A discount of 25% on subscription to the Journal of Refugee Studies, the Refugee Survey Quarterly and the International Journal of Refugee Law (also to the combined package) |
Receipt of information about the Association's activities |
In a conference year, a reduction on the IASFM International Conference conference fee. |
Funding has been sought to establish a full-time office for the Association. In the meantime, the Association is seeking to build up a strong membership base now from which to launch its activities. You can help to build our organisation by returning the membership form.
According to the decision of the General Meeting of Members on September 30, 2002, from 2003 a new membership fee structure will be active which differentiates according to the country of origin (please see table):
dues, two years: € 160 (or 160 US $)
permanently residing in a country with a GDP per capita over US $ / € 10,000
dues, two years: € 90 (or 90 US $)
and permanent residents of a less developed country, who do not earn any
income (salaries, allowances etc) from international organizations, or do not
earn income of a comparable amount; nationals and permanent residents in a
country with a GDP per capita between US $ / € 4,000 and US $ / € 10,000 who
do not earn any income from international organizations, or do not earn
income of a comparable amount.
Very low dues, two years: € 50 (or 50 US $)
and permanent residents in a country with a GDP per capita under US $ / €
4,000, who do not earn any income (salaries, allowances etc) from international
organizations, or do not earn income of a comparable amount.
Honorary members – free
members are those members as described in article 6 of the Statutes of IASFM
Since international bank transfer fees and cheque cashing fees usually consume most of the amount, we urge you to pay via MasterCard or VISA, otherwise you are funding the international banking system.

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